Grants and portfolio

Starting from 2019, the distribution of grants to cover the cost of education takes place at the end of each semester. Thus, each university student can influence the amount of tuition fees by improving their academic results and working on an individual portfolio.

Grants are provided both for citizens and permanent residents of Belarus, and citizens of other countries. As part of the 2024 Admissions Campaign, applicants are offered two types of grants: 100% or 50%:

  • 100% grant – fully covers the cost of tuition per semester (for applicants in 2024 to programs of all forms and levels of study, except for doctoral studies);
  • 50% grant – covers half of the tuition fee per semester (for applicants in 2024 to programs of all forms and levels of study, except for doctoral studies);

The portfolio consists of two mandatory parts:

  1. Achievements and / or samples of work
  2. Covering letter

Academic, social, and creative accomplishments and/or exemplary work is something that can objectively demonstrate your talent and potential. Diplomas of competitions, conferences and olympiads, information on participation in social and volunteer projects, electronic versions of creative works (audiovisual and other genres) and research, school medals, etc. can serve as such achievements or samples of work. The university does not limit in any way what you can use to showcase your talents and potential.

The applicant’s cover letter is a brief, no more than 1 A4 page, description of how the achievements or samples of work indicated by you in the first paragraph are interconnected with the mission of the university.

More information on how to submit and where to upload your portfolio can be found here.

The mission of the university is specified in the EHU Strategy for 2021-2026. and is available on the website in the “Documents” section. Arguing the relationship of your work and achievements with the mission of EHU, you will be able to demonstrate the skills of reasoning, persuasion and argumentation. The cover letter should clearly show why the grant should go to you.

General questions on admission rules and admission process:
Tel.: +370 (644) 96 317