Visual Design

Academic degree

Bachelor of Arts


4 Years (High Residence)
5 Years (Low Residence)

National Code of the Study Program


About the program

  • Exploration of different visual traditions, competent work with neural networks, and creation of design projects in Italy, France, Germany, Greece, and Lithuania;
  • Flexible curriculum with the possibility of developing an individual learning trajectory;
  • A project-based approach to learning, preparation of personal annual projects, and shaping of creative portfolio;
  • Internship in animation studios and design agencies in Lithuania and other EU countries;
  • Master classes led by professionals from Lithuania and other EU countries.

You can view examples of work by the “Visual Design” program students by clicking here.

Potential career

  • Designer, web designer, TV-designer;
  • Illustrator of digital and physical publications;
  • Visual Communication Designer;
  • 2D and 3D Animation Artist, 3D Artist;
  • Motion Designer;
  • Designer of application and game interfaces;
  • Concept Artist;
  • Art Director;
  • Opportunity to continue studies in master’s programs in Europe and the USA.

Applications, Payments and Scholarships

Admission consultations

Apply online until August 5 How to apply to MA degree?Instructions
General questions on admission rules and admission process:
Skype: QuestionEHU
Tel.: +370 (644) 96 317
Telegram chatbot: @EHUSupportBot

Tuition fees for the ones applying in 2024 (per semester)

For citizens and residents of Belarus For citizens of other countries
High Residence (full-time) €1570 €1950
Low Residence (part-time) €1260 €1560

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