Credit Transfer and Recognition

The objective of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is to facilitate the international mobility of students by a procedure in which student performance is reviewed and awarded a certain number of credit points; these points are determined by the study workload necessary to complete the required academic achievement.

Thanks to its distribution and acceptance across Europe, ECTS allows the home university a simpler, more reliable method of recognition of student academic achievements earned abroad, thus enhancing the attractiveness of foreign studies.

Following the ECTS model, EHU requires students to earn 30 ECTS points per semester and 60 ECTS per year. The average student workload is 27 hours per ECTS point. At EHU, 240 ECTS points are required for a Bachelor’s Degree, and 120 ECTS points for a Master’s Degree.

Below is the EHU grade system and correlation to the ECTS grade system.

Result Grade Short description in English Percentage of maximum amount of knowledge demanded ECTS
passed 10 Excellent 96 < A
9 Very good 86-95 B
8 Good 76-85 C
7 Highly satisfactory 66-75 C
6 Satisfactory 56-65 D
5 Weak 50-55 E
failed 4 Insufficient 40-49 FX
3 Bad 30-39 FX
2 Very bad 20-29 F
1 Nothing answered 0-19 F