Starting from May 14, 2021, EHU acquired the right to independently carry out the procedure for recognizing education received outside of Lithuania. Acceptance of documents for the assessment of academic qualifications is carried out simultaneously with the acceptance of other documents required for admission. The recognition procedure is compulsory and free of charge.
Without an assessment of education received outside of Lithuania, and without a positive decision (on the recognition of an academic qualification or its recognition with additional conditions), further participation in the competition for admission to the university is impossible.How to pass the assessment of education received outside of Lithuania?
- When filling out the electronic application form, you should mark the appropriate field and agree to the assessment of your academic qualifications.
- A confirmation of receipt and suitability of documents for consideration will be sent to the e-mail you specified in the form. The letter will also contain information about the progress of the recognition procedure and your rights.
- Before the end of the recognition procedure, please check your email regularly. If any questions arise, an employee of the EHU Academic Support Center will contact you and request additional documents and will inform you about the deadlines for their submission. If the requested documents are not provided 3 working days before the date of the interview specified in the calendar of events of the Admissions Campaign, the process of assessing education (qualifications) obtained outside of Lithuania will be terminated. The applicant will receive a notification about this by email.
- The staff of the Academic Support Center will inform you about the results of the assessment of the education (qualifications) received and admission to further participation in the competition for admission to EHU before the date of the interview indicated in the schedule of the Admission Campaign. If the result of the assessment is negative, at the same time information will be provided about the possibility of filing an appeal.
List of documents (electronic copies) provided for the assessment of education (academic qualifications) when filling out the application form:
- a document proving the education received: a secondary education certificate, a special secondary education diploma and annex to it, a higher education diploma and an annex to it**;
- upon a separate request from the staff of the EHU Academic Support Center, other documents providing information on the content of the program, its volume (in credits and hours), grades received, etc., should be provided;
- identity document (passport);
- a document confirming the change of the name and (or) surname (if they have changed);
- other documents confirming the previously received education;
- other additional documents (if necessary).
* Electronic copies of the submitted documents must be made only from the original document (copies made from notarized copies of documents are not accepted). Copies must be in color and of good quality, all notes and marks in the submitted document must be clearly visible.
** If educational documents are not issued in English, Russian or Belarusian, you additionally must provide a translation of the documents into Lithuanian, Russian or English. The translation must be accompanied by a copy of the document, certified by a notary or the relevant authorized body. The binding of documents must be stamped by the translation agency and signed by the translator.
*** For documents issued by foreign institutions, with the exception of the European Union, EEC countries, USA, Belarus, Russia, Moldova, Ukraine, legalization or certification with an apostille may be required (additional information at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, tel. +370 5 236 2613).
Qualification recognition process
- Evaluation of education received outside of Lithuania is carried out by specialists of the EHU Academic Support Center within a month from the date of submission of all the necessary documents, but must be completed no later than 3 working days before the date of the interview specified in the calendar of events of the Admission Campaign.
- If it is necessary to collect additional information to assess the education received, this period can be extended in accordance with a separate decision of the Rector of EHU or a person authorized by him, but no more than for 3 months.
- The results of the assessment of the education received will be sent to your email address.
- If you disagree with the results of the assessment, you can appeal within 14 calendar days after receiving them.