Neada Mullalli
Academic Department of Social Sciences
Center for Constitutionalism and Human Rights
PhD Candidate
Central European University in Budapest
Teaching areas
Intellectual Property Law; International Financial Law
Research interests
Bankruptcy law, company law, International financial law, International economic law, IP law.
- Albanian Monograph on Corporations and Partnerships, part of the International Encyclopedia of Laws series by Kluwer Law International (December 2014).
- Albanian Monograph on Economic and Commercial Law, part of the International Encyclopedia of Laws series by Kluwer Law International (Forthcoming in 2018).
- Albanian Monograph on Contracts, part of the International Encyclopedia of Laws series by Kluwer Law International (Forthcoming in 2018).
- The Influence of Supreme Court’s Decisions in Shaping Commercial and Human Rights Law in Albania – Published as part of the proceedings for the ‘Milestones of Law in the area of Central Europe’ conference, held in Bratislava, Slovakia (2014).