
The Acting Rector Dr. Vilius Šadauskas participated in the traditional meeting of Lithuanian higher education institution leaders organized by the Vilnius Archdiocese

On September 5, 2024, the traditional meeting of Lithuanian higher education institution leaders, marking the beginning of the academic year, took place at the Vilnius Archdiocese. The event was organized by the Archbishop of Vilnius, Gintaras Grušas.

As the European Humanities University participated in this event for the first time, Acting Rector Dr. Vilius Šadauskas considered the meeting to be a valuable platform for dialogue. This gathering provided an excellent opportunity for university leaders to discuss shared interests and strengthen relationships, while offering the European Humanities University a new opportunity for further integration into the Lithuanian higher education community.

In the gathering Dr. Vilius Šadauskas shared his thoughts on the university community’s life and future plans, and extended an invitation to representatives of the Vilnius Archdiocese to visit the university and strengthen collaboration between the academic and religious communities.

The European Humanities University values relationship with the Vilnius Archdiocese and is excited about future collaborations.
