
EHU Senate Has Elected the New Chair

Photo: Kilimas Arts

EHU Senate has elected the new Chair, Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Social Sciences Liudmila Ulyashyna. Previously, this position was held by Prof. of the Department of Humanities and Arts Aliaksandr Puptsau. Senate is the University’s collegiate academic consulting body that is responsible for assessing the quality of studies, research and art activities.

Liudmila Ulyashyna, Dr. Associate Professor is the Head of the “Centre for Constitutionalism and Human Rights” of the European Humanities University and one of the authors who prepared the current Project “Lawyers for the Rule of Law”.

Having extensive practicing experience as a Belarusian lawyer, she has also developed her international experience, including cooperation with international organizations, research, design and leadership of capacity building programs and courses for practicing lawyers and law students.

She has been graduated from Master programs in Germany with a dissertation “Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court for the
prosecution of offenders from the non-parties of the Rome Statute” and a master’s program at the University of Oslo devoting her research to the issue on the implementation of international obligations in national law enforcement. She received her doctorate in Sociаl Sciences (law) in 2015 for research monograph “International legal standards in the field of human rights and their realization: theory and practical application”.

Assoc. Prof. L. Ulyashyna is an author of numerous courses, books and articles. The main topics are national implementation of international obligations, the role of individuals in the human rights law, genesis and guarantees of legal assistance institutes, human rights culture and education, lawyers´ guaranties and protection. Nowadays, she is among those scholars and practitioners who are working to restore constitutional values and justice in Belarus.
