Dr. Ingrida Danėlienė is a legal academic and practitioner with 20 years of experience in various spheres of law. Most recently she was the Vice-Dean and Associate Professor of the School of Law of Mykolas Romeris University (Vilnius, Lithuania), also a Senior Research Fellow of the Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy of Vytautas Magnus University (Kaunas, Lithuania). From 2003 until 2020 she worked within the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania, the Constitutional Court of the Republic Lithuania, as well as the Faculty of Law of Vilnius University. From 2015 until 2020 she served as a member of various national and international expert councils and commissions, including the Joint Council of Constitutional Justice of the Venice Commission. I. Danėlienė has also led a number of projects under the Lithuanian Development Cooperation and Democracy Support Programs, has engaged as a senior expert within a number of legal assistance projects of the EU and the Council of Europe aimed at providing assistance to EU Eastern Partnership countries. Her most recent project (financed from the funds of the Development Cooperation and Democracy Support Programs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania) was successfully implemented in 2021 and was entitled “The Dilemma of Belarusian Constitutional Identity”.
Dr. Ingrida Danėlienė is also a co-author and author of numerous scientific articles, monographs on constitutional law, constitutional justice, administrative law, administrative justice, human rights, gender equality.