Kseniya Shtalenkova
Academic Department of Humanities and Arts
OSUN Science Shop Manager
Laboratory for Studies of Visual Culture and Contemporary Art
PhD in Philosophy
European Humanities University
Teaching areas
Language and Thinking; Second Year Seminar: Introduction to Social Sciences; Third Year Seminar: Hermeneutics Seminar “Understanding and Creativity”; Freedom of Expression (OSUN Network Collaborative Course); Civic Engagement (OSUN Network Collaborative Course)
Research interests
Visual studies, ideology of design, philosophy of money, site-specific art, inclusive education
PhD Dissertation:
- Shtalenkova, K. (2022) Invisible Money: The Transformations of Symbolic Exchange Practices in Digital Era. Vilnius: European Humanities University, 148 p. (In Russian, with the summary in English)
- Shtalenkova K. (2018) Money and Ideology: Hundred Years’ [R]evolution of Belarusian-ness. Vilnius: European Humanities University, 296 p. (In Russian, with the summary in English)
Articles and published conference papers:
- Shtalenkova, K. (2022). Manifesting invisible. The experience of working on the audiovisual installation Extermination for the Great Choral Synagogue in Grodno. Ctrl+S, vol. 2, pp. 133–140. (in Russian, with an abstract in English)
- Shtalenkova, K. (2022). The visual significance of money: The Value of the Immaterial. Logos, no. 111, pp. 193–200. (in English)
- Shtalenkova, K. (2021). Beyond economics: Visible and visual significance of currency design. In The XII Conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies “Meaning in Perception and the Senses”. The proceedings of the Conference. Vilnius: Vilnius University, pp. 127–128. (in English)
- Shtalenkova, K. (2021). Ideology of women’s depictions on banknotes and design projects for them in Eastern Europe of the XX cent. In: Money in Russian History: Production, Circulation and Use. Proceedings of the IV International Conference. Saint-Petersburg: Goznak, pp. 181–185. (in Russian)
- Shtalenkova, K. (2021). Symbolic exchange in the digital era: The value of immaterial. In WOSC 2021 Book of Abstracts. Systems Approach and Cybernetics, Engaging the Future of Mankind. The Significance of Systems and Cybernetics in the Future Societies. Preprint, pp. 165–166. (in English)
- Shtalenkova, K. (2020). Historical representations in the design of paper money in the Eastern-European region. In Money in Russian History: Production, Circulation and Use. Proceedings of the III International Conference. Saint-Petersburg: Goznak, pp. 156–160. (in Russian)
- Shtalenkova, K. (2020). Semiotic approach to visual analysis of currency design. In Social Semiotics: Points of Growth. Saint-Petersburg: Scythia Print, pp. 51–55. (in Russian, with an abstract in English)
- Shtalenkova, K. (2020). The golden standard of the nation: The significance of personifications in the design of national currencies. Ukrainian Cultural Studies, no. 2(7), pp. 81–86. doi.org/10.17721/UCS.2020.2(7).15 (in Russian, with an abstract in English)
- Shtalenkova, K. (2020). The dynamics of currency design in the socio-historical context. Interaction. Interview. Interpretation, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 31–50. (in Russian, with an abstract in English)
- Shtalenkova, K. (2019). The signs of material reality in cryptocurrency logo design. In Topical Problems of Design and Design Education. III International BSU Design Conference. Proceedings of the Conference. Minsk: Belarusian State University, pp. 347–356, 373. (in Russian, with an abstract in English)
- Shtalenkova, K. (2019). Visual design of national money. National Bank of Belarus Herald (Bankovskiy Vestnik), no. 12 (677), pp. 7–12. (in Russian, with an abstract in English)
- Shtalenkova, K. (2019). At the intersection of semiology and ideology: Mythologies of national images in the design of French coins and paper money. Topos, no. 1–2, pp. 215–234. (in Russian, with an abstract in English)
- Shtalenkova, K. (2019). Digital humanities in the context of lifelong learning at European Humanities University. In IT-Technologies for Engineering Education: New Trends and Implementation Experience. Proceedings of the Conference. Moscow: Bauman Moscow State Technical University, pp. 368–371. (in Russian, with an abstract in English)
- Shtalenkova, K. (2018). The transformations in Belarusian contemporary money design: Invisible symptoms and topical prospects. In Topical Problems of Design and Design Education. II International BSU Design Conference. Proceedings of the Conference. Minsk: Belarusian State University, pp. 165−173, 226−232. (in Russian, with an abstract in English)
- Shtalenkova, K. (2018). Academic writing as social practice. The Review of ‘Academic Engaging with Student Writing’ (J. Tuck) and ‘Writing in Social Spaces’ (R. Murray). Crossroads, no. 1, pp. 274−281. (in Russian)
- Shtalenkova, K. (2016). Symbolic functions of money in Post-Soviet countries: Design and politics. Crossroads, no. 1−2, pp. 143−167. (in Russian, with an abstract in English)
- Shtalenkova, K. (2016). National money design as ideological instrument: Some tendencies on the post soviet area. In Human in the World. The World in Human: Actual issues of Philosophy, Sociology, Political Science and Psychology [CD-ROM]. Proceedings of XIX International Students, Postgraduate Students and Young Scientists Conference (November 24–26, 2016). Perm: Perm State University Press, pp. 158−168. (in Russian, with an abstract in English)
Literary works:
- Shtalenkova, K. (2021) Extermination: play. Vilnius: European Humanities University, 9 p. (in Russian)
- audiovisual installation based on the play at the EHU Artspace
- Shtalenkova, K. (2020) Memoria Nominis Clara: play. Minsk: Art Corporation Visual and Performing Arts Centre, 22 p. (in Russian)
- Shtalenkova, K. (2019) Simplyverycomplicated: play. Minsk: Centre of Belarusian Drama, 31 p. (in Russian)
- Shtalenkova, K. (2017) The Guberniya Detective: The Case of the Blood-Stained Ducats: novel. Minsk: Knihazbor Publ., 216 p. (in Belarusian)
- Shtalenkova, K. (2016) Another Side of the Mirror: fantasy trilogy. Minsk: Mastackaya Litaratura Publ., 382 p. (in Belarusian)