Presentation of EHU Visaginas Summer School results
From August 22 to September 1 European Humanities University’s (EHU) Laboratory of Critical Urbanism together with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Go East programme hosted Visaginas Summer School on specificity and sources of urbanity in former mono-functional towns.
One of the aims of the International Summer School was to scrutinize Visaginas’s infrastructure and industrial history and to propose future scenarios for the town in a form of soft planning interventions and community projects. Within the Summer School the researchers have developed the concept of Visaginas Public Library, which will be presented on Wednesday, August 31, at 5 pm in the Conference room at the Visaginas’ House of Creation (Vilties g. 16).
The languages of presentation are English and Lithuanian (with possibility of informal communication in Russian).
In case you would like to stay overnight in Visaginas, please, send your inquiry to urbanism @