Topic of the webinar: “How to Address the War in Ukraine in Schools?”
- Petro Gerasim, Ph.D. in history, history teacher in a private school in Kyiv;
- Alina (school teacher, Belarus);
- Irina (school psychologist, Belarus);
- Thomas Daiber, professor of Slavic studies (GiZo), member of a panel advising schools in Germany;
- Gleb Kazakov, historian (GiZo), member of a panel advising schools in Germany;
- Helena Rodzina (Director of the Developmental Centre for Children, at the Centre of the Belarusian Solidarity, Warsaw).
- Andreas Langenohl, professor of sociology (GiZo), lecturer in teaching programs
NB! The webinar will be held on April 22 at 17:00-18:30 (Kyiv time). To participate, please register via the link.
The webinar will be conducted in English and Russian.