
Anti-war Marathon. Webinar “How to Address the War in Ukraine in Schools?”

The Anti-War Marathon continues. The Giessen Centre for Eastern European Studies (GiZo) at Justus Liebig University Giessen hosts the third webinar of the Marathon, which will take place on April 22, and invites everyone to join.

Topic of the webinar: “How to Address the War in Ukraine in Schools?”


  • Petro Gerasim, Ph.D. in history, history teacher in a private school in Kyiv;
  • Alina (school teacher, Belarus);
  • Irina (school psychologist, Belarus);
  • Thomas Daiber, professor of Slavic studies (GiZo), member of a panel advising schools in Germany;
  • Gleb Kazakov, historian (GiZo), member of a panel advising schools in Germany;
  • Helena Rodzina (Director of the Developmental Centre for Children, at the Centre of the Belarusian Solidarity, Warsaw).


  • Andreas Langenohl, professor of sociology (GiZo), lecturer in teaching programs

NB! The webinar will be held on April 22 at 17:00-18:30 (Kyiv time). To participate, please register via the link.

The webinar will be conducted in English and Russian.
