Benjamin Cope
Teaching areas
Research interests
1. 2013 “Data and Spaces” in The Anxious Prop Case 5: The Intellectual Property Issue (Berlin: The Anxious Prop), pp. 38-41.
2. 2013 JUST Sleeping District? Lazdynai for Lunatics. Vilnius: Laboratory for Critical Urbanism Self-published.
3. 2011 “Kak issledovat globalizatsiu?” (Review of Tsing A. Friction: an Ethnography of Global Connection) Topos No 1, pp 249-262.
4. 2011 “Opening the Door? Belarusian Art Today” in Belarus Sound Art in Poland (Warsaw: Fundacja Sztuka i Technologia and Zachęta National Gallery of Art), pp 1-3.
5. 2011 “Recovering Privacy: Eastern Ethnographies of the Private Sphere. A Review of ‘Gender Relations in the Private Sphere: Post-Soviet Transformations of Family and Intimacy’, Laboratorium No 3, 2010, Irina Tartakovskaya dir.” for La Vie des Idées, http://www.booksandideas.net/Recovering-Privacy.html?lang=fr [available from 13-06-2011].
6. 2010 “Szmulki/Michałów in the Light or Shadow of Praga,” in Iwona Oliwińskiej and Karol Langie (ed.) Praski Michałów: historia, przestreń, tożsamość (Warszawa: PSM Michałów 2010), pp. 39-53.
7. 2010 “Report from Praga: mega-plans, micro-modernisation and precarious urbanism,” Journal of Architecture, 15/1 (2010), pp. 101-116.
8. 2010 “Raport z Pragi: megaplany, mikromodernizacja i ryzykowna urbanizacja,” Przegląd Anarchistyczny, 11 (2010)
9. 2010 Forum: “Исследования города,” АНТРОПОЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ ФОРУМ, 12 (2010), pp.86-93.
10. 2009 “Another City for Another Life” (with Joanna Sokołowska) and “After the Exhibition” in Joanna Sokołowska and Benjamin Cope (eds.) Another City, Another Life (Warsaw, Zachęta National Gallery of Art), pp. 5-11 and 118-122.
11. 2009 “Od festiwalu Szeszory do Art-Pola: Rozmowa z Olgą Mikhailczuk i Mirosławą Ganiuszkiną” in Czas Kultury 2009/2, pp. 50-55.
12. 2009 “Commentary” in Mark Dorrian (ed.) Warszawa: Projects for the Post-Socialist City (Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh, pp. 38-40.
13. 2009 “Cultural Events and Urban Planning: Local Spaces and Global Capitalism” in Nerijus Milerius, Ūla Tornau, Vilius Dranseika (ed.) Urban Change in Eastern and Central Europe: Social, Cultural and Architecural Transformations (Vilnius: Vilnius University Press), pp. 97-101.