Antonina Stebur
Teaching areas
Research interests
- Stebur, H. Samarskaya The History of Belarusian Photography. Kauno, KOPA, 2019. 356p. [BOOK]
- EVERY DAY. ART. SOLIDARITY. RESISTANCE [Catalogue and Reader] — Kyiv: Public Enterprise “NACMC ‘Mystetskyi Arsenal’”, 2022. — 304
- A. Stebur. “I felt like I was forever driven by shame”: how to learn to read again / Kalektar platform, 2021 [in Russian]
- A. Stebur. BELARUS 25 MARCH / ArtReview, December 2021, pp.48-49
- A. Stebur. Fürsorge als politischer Akt. Kultur Austausch [in German], 2021
- A. Stebur. “The body is an instrument of struggle and a source of hope” / tranzit.at, 28.09.2021.
- A. Stebur. Feminist Discourse in Belarusian Contemporary Art. Gender Factor in the Development of Modern Belarus: the collection of scientific articles / National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Minsk, Belaruskaya Navuka, 2021 pp.164-195 [in Russian]
- AGITATSIA group (D. Filippova, P.Mitenko, A. Spirenkova, A. Stebur) Party of the Dead: Necroaesthetics and Transformation of Political Performativity in Russia During the Pandemic. Artmargins magazine, 2021.
- A. Stebur, A. Talstou. “We are alive and vulnerable”, Moscow Art Magazine 2021 No 116 pp. 156-165 [in Russian]
- A. Stebur. Contemporary Art as Political Scene: Woman in the Belarusian Cultural Field. PARTISANKA. 2020 No34 pp. 33-40
- A. Stebur. I am out of politics? Transitory White, 2020 No2 pp. 4-5
- A. Stebur, A. Talstou. Like water. The dynamics of Belarusian protest: from the existing technical basis to the utopian horizons of the future, syg.ma, Sep. 2020 [in Russian]
- A. Stebur. Realism of the Impossible, Moscow Art Magazine 2020 No114 pp. 98-112 [in Russian]
- A. Stebur. The freedom to be vulnerable, Moscow Art Magazine, 2020 No 112 PP. 52-59 [in Russian]
- A. Stebur. “Clearly It was a Repture”. Institutional criticism in Belarus / Artistic Practice and Social Change. Observation from Belarus and Sweden. Minsk, Poycraft, 2019 pp. 260-271
- A. Stebur. RE-PERE-POST-SOVIET. The Post-Soviet Laboratory of Relearning. The comrade-newslatter of the School of Engaged Art relearning course. October 2019. p. 4
- A. Stebur. ICH LIEBE DICH! Transitory White [online magazine], 2019 [in German]
- A. Stebur, H. Samarskaya The History of Belarusian Photography. Kauno, KOPA, 2019. 356p. [BOOK]
- A. Stebur. Beauty that won’t save the world K.R.A.P.I.V.A. 2019 [in Russian]
Publications in Progress
- A. Stebur, V. Davydzik. Features and Effects of the Digital Technologies in the Belarusian Protest. in the journal Digital Icons (https://www.digitalicons.org/). The volume will come out in April 2022
- A. Stebur. “People Have Nothing to Oppose to State Violence Except their Fragile Bodies” 1 : Configurations of Feminism in Belarusian Protest Art in Unmaking the Vulnerable Female Subject: War and Rebellion in 20-21st c. Ukrainian, Polish, and Belarusian Art, Literature, and Music, Vernon Press, USA
- A. Stebur, A. Borisionok. If disrupted, it becomes tangible: Infrastructures and solidarities after post-Soviet condition // Society and Space Journal special issue dedicated to anti-imperial focus
Courses Taught
2022-2023 Art Activism: From Heroic Gesture to Infrastructures of Care – Universität der Künste Berlin, Germany
2019-2021 Art activist practices as a tool of socio-political transformation – The European College of Liberal Arts in Belarus (ECLAB), Minsk. Belarus
Selected Lectures and Speeches
- Back to Belarus: The State of Art & Protest Today – Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library in Yale University, USA (November 2021)
- Round-table “Gender, Art and Protest”. series of round-tables “1991-2021 – Thirty years after” – Södertörn University, Stockholm, Sweden (August 2021)
- Belarusian Protest: A meeting with artists and curators of Every Day. Art. Solidarity. Resistance – Wende Museum, Culver City, USA (June 2021)
- Conversation with the curators of the exhibition “Every day” – Mystetskyi Arsenal, Kyiv, Ukraine (March 2021)
- Round-table “The History of Belarusian Vizhyvanka” – The UCLA Library in University of California, Los Angeles, USA (March 2021)
- “Feminism is Politics”: Activist Strategies in Feminist Art – European Humanities University, Vilnius, Lithuania (June 2020)
- Feminist discourse in Belarusian contemporary art – Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus (July 2018)
- Hi-Tech in the field of contemporary art – Artes Liberales festival, Minsk, Belarus (July 2018)
- The Newest Technologies in the Contemporary Art Field – Artes Liberales festival, Minsk, Belarus (April 2017)
- Features of “Labour” Practice of a Contemporary Artist, Curator, Curator‐Artist and Artist‐Curator – Artes Liberales festival, Minsk, Belarus (April 2016)
Research Experience
- 2021-2022 Affiliated member of Laboratory for Studies of Visual Culture and Contemporary Art – European Humanities University, Vilnius, Lithuania
- 2021-2022 Member of Center for Gender Studies– European Humanities University, Vilnius, Lithuania
- 2020-2022 co-founder Spaika.media. Spaika.media is an independent research platform that dedicated to political performance, art-activism and actionism in post-Soviet context.
- 2020-2021 Member of AGITATSIA Research Group. AGITATSIA is a research group dedicated to political performance art practices, actionism, and art activism. Members are: Dasha Filippova, Pavel Mitenko, Anastasiia Spirenkova, Antonina Stebur, and Vera Zamyslova.
- 2018-202o Leader of Research group “The History of Belarusian Photography”– The Month of Photography in Minsk, Belarus. The research is aimed at identifying excluded names in Belarusian photography, a feminist focus, in general, on the study of the sociology of photographic communities
Feminist and Activistic Project
Curator and Co-founder The International Coalition of Cultural Workers against the War in Ukraine (www.antiwarcoalition.art) –– April 2022 — now
International Coalition of Cultural Workers Against the War in Ukraine is an open online platform that collects, shares and distributes statements against war created by artists from all over the world. Driven by the Russian aggression and war against Ukraine, this platform presents an opportunity to protest against war, dictatorship, and authoritarianism. It is an opportunity to express solidarity with those in Ukraine who are affected by the Russian military aggression and with those resisting colonial, patriarchal, imperialistic, and political repressions and terror elsewhere. The project held more than 30 events, took part in documenta 15, Manifesta, Venice Biennale
Women in Tech, Chief Coordinator – EHU Center for Gender Studies, Vilnius, Lithuania –– March 2023 — now
The Women in Tech program is an infrastructural educational and research project aimed at supporting women in the IT field, stimulating research at the intersection of technology and feminism, and promoting gender equality in the field of high technologies. The project was launched by the EHU Center for Gender Studies and is funded by the European Union.
#дамаудобнаявбыту, co-founder – Minsk, Belarus –– 2017 — now
#дамаудобнаявбыту project is a feminist activist initiative focused on researching and addressing issues related to gender discrimination in Belarus. The project aims to raise awareness and promote the concept of gender equality by conducting studies, organizing events and campaigns, and advocating for policy changes. Through their efforts, the project seeks to empower women and create a more inclusive and equitable society.