
Andrei Vazyanau
Teaching areas
Research interests
Scientific articles in peer-reviewed periodicals, ongoing and one-off publications:
2018 Post-Soviet Soundscapes of Mobility: Notes on the Evolution of the Acoustic Profile of Privacy. In: Topos 1/2018
2018 Solution into problem: Ukrainian Marshrutka and Romanian maxi-taxi at the fall of planning paradigms after 1990. In: The Journal of Transport History 39 (1): 25–40
Scientific articles in periodicals, continuing and one-off cultural and professional publications:
2018 Куды знікае вечар у вялікіх постсавецкіх гарадах. Публічныя прасторы без публічнага часу? [Where does the evening goes to in the large post-Soviet cities: Public spaces without Public Time?]
2017 Romanian Mobilities Series. Relics of the Future: The Socio-technical Functions of Second-hand Trams in Romanian Cities. In: Anthropology News 58 (1): 327-331
2017 Urban Electric Public Transport in Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Toward a Historical Anthropology of Infrastructural Crises. In: Mobility in History 8 (1): 61-76
2017 Беспристрастная наука и свободная импровизация, или Почему исследователи-музыканты редко исследуют музыку [Unbiased Science vs. Free Improvisation, or Why Researchers-Musicians Seldom Research Into Music]. In: A. Piir / M. Pirogovskaja (Hgg.): Experto crede Alberto: cборник статей к 70-летию Альберта Кашфулловича Байбурина [Experto crede Alberto: Anthology for Albert Kashfullowich Bajburin in Celebration of his 70th Birthday], St. Petersburg, P. 135-148. URL: goo.gl/B58dgG.
2017 Исследовательская выставка между шумом и немотой. Oзвучивая гуманитарное знание о точной науке [Research Exhibition Between Noise And Muteness. How To Make Humanities Speak On Sciencies]. In: Практики и интерпретации. Журнал филологических, образовательных и культурных исследований [Practices and Interpretations. A Journal of Philology, Teaching and Cultural Studies] 1 (4): 124-133.
2017 (translation from English into Russian) Лев Манович: Наука о культуре? Изучение больших культурных данных. // Цифровые социальные исследования и цифровая гуманитаристика [L. Manovich: The Science of Culture? Social Computing, Digital Humanities and Cultural Analytics // The Datafied society. Social Research in the Age of Big Data. In: Topos 1-2: 76-92.
2017 With Ekaterina Arie et al.: Форум: Академическое сообщество в условиях “новой публичности“ интернета [Forum: Academic Studies of Culture and the Internet as a “New Public” Sphere]. In: Антропологический форум [Antropologicheskij forum] 32:25-30
2017 Возьянов А. Г. От фотоколлекции к умному архиву: энтузиазм и распределенное знание о пост-советском общественном транспорте [From a Photo Collection to a Smart Archive: Enthusiasm and Distributed Knowledge about Post-Soviet Public Transport] // Электронный научно-образовательный журнал «История». [The Electronic Scientific and Educational Journal ‘History’] 7 (61): 7.
2016 With Meghanne Barker et al.: Форум: Отношения антрополога и изучаемого сообщества [Forum: The Anthropologist and the Community]. In: Antropologicheskij forum 30: 17-21
2016 Трамваї та тролейбуси Донбасу наприкінці 2000-х років: асамбляжі песимізму та ентузіазму / Tramways and Trolleybuses of Donbas in the late 2000s: Assemblages of Pessimism and Enthusiasm. In: Project Donbas Studies, IZOLYATSIA. Platform for Cultural Initiatives (Hg.): Donbas. First Line / Донбас. Перша лінія, Kyiv, P. 45-61
2016 (With Wladimir Sgibnev) Assemblages of Mobility: the Marshrutkas of Central Asia. In: Central Asian Survey 35 (2): 276-291
2016 Minsk: A fusion of mobility futures – International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility, April 2016
2016 Переводить отказываюсь [Giving Up On A Translation]. In: Практики & Интерпретации: журнал филологических, образовательных и культурных исследований 1 (3): 39-44
2015 Куда ушли мелодии вместо гудков: территории слуха в саундскейпе социальных медиа [Where the ringbacktones have gone? Hearing’s territories in soundscape of social media]. In: Неприкосновенный запас 4 (102)
2015 Infrastructures in Trouble: The operation of Donbas’ tramway and trolleybus networks under warfare. In: T2M – International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility, March 2015 https://t2m.org/newsletter/view-from-the-street/the-operation-of-donbas-tramway-and-trolleybus-networks-under-warfare/
2015 Вернуть городу вечер: поздние трамваи и тактическая логистика в Ростове-на-Дону [Bring the city’s evening back: late evening tramways and tactical logistics in Rostov-on-Don]. In: Partizaning.org, 02.07.2015
Articles prepared on the materials of conference reports or analytical reviews of scientific works in periodicals, continuing and one-off scientific publications (also in unrefereed ones):
2015 With Oksana Zaporozhets: Круглый стол “Человек мобильный и управление городской повседневностью: цифровая антропология городского транспорта”. In: Новое литературное обозрение 5 (135)
2015 Daniel Morat (ed.). Sounds of Modern History: Auditory Cultures in 19th- and 20th-century Europe, New York 2014. In: Antropologicheskii Forum – Online 26