
Andrei Gornykh

Andrei Gornykh


Academic Department of Social Sciences
Laboratory for Studies of Visual Culture and Contemporary Art


PhD in Philosophy Saint-Petersburg State University 1999

Teaching areas

TV as Technology and Cultural Form; Theory and Practice of Creating Educational Media Products; Television as Technology and Cultural Form; Psychoanalysis, Culture, and Media; Philosophical aspects of media theory: identities and memories; Introduction to Critical Theory

Research interests

Theory and History of Culture, Media Studies



Media and Society (Vilnius: EHU Press, 2013). 402 p. ISBN 978-9955-773-59-7. (in Russian/English)

Scientific articles in peer-reviewed periodicals, ongoing and one-off publications:

Andrei Gornykh. (2021). Trava-Travlya-Trata: Tarkovsky’s Psychobiography à la Lettre. In ReFocus: the Films of Andrei Tarkovsky (Edited by Sergey Toymentsev) (p. 30-45). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Andrei Gornykh. (2021). Trait, Identity and the Gaze in Jacques Lacan. In The Palgrave Handbook of Image Studies (Edited by Krešimir Purgar) (p. 295-313). Palgrave: Palgrave, Macmillan.

Andrei Gornykh. (2020). Антропология стоимости: Желание и коммуникация (Б. Малиновский, Ж. Лакан). Топос. Философско-културологический журнал, (2), p. 112-129.

Andrei Gornykh. (2020). Imaginary Words as Reality: Freud with Proust. The Language of Humanities: between Word and Image (ed. by A. Mikhailov), p. 91-101.

Andrei Gornykh. (2020). Символическое действие и коммуникация: метафора и деньги у Кеннета Берка. Литература двух Америк, (9), p. 174-194. doi: 10.22455/2541-7894-2020-9-174-194

Andrei Gornykh. (2020). Репрезентация денег в советском кино: o стертых знаках отличия. Культ-товары. Коммерциализация истории в массовой культуре. Коллективная монография, p. 204-223.

Andrei Gornykh. Lacan’s image theory: lack, exhange, meaning // Palgrave Handbook of Image Studies. 2020.

Andrei Gornykh. Trava-Trata-Travlia: Tarkovsky’s Psychobiography à la lettre. REFOCUS: The Films of Andrei Tarkovsky (Edited by Sergei Toymentsev). Edinburgh University Press, 2019. ISBN-13: 978-1474437233 272 p.

Andrei Gornykh. Photography as a medium: Proust’s Punctum in Lacan’s Mirror // in Philosophical-Culturological Journal, No. 1-2, (2019).  P. 117-135.

Andrei Gornykh. Imaginary Words as Reality: Freud with Proust // The Language of Humanities: Between Word and Image. European Humanities University, 2019.

Andrei Gornykh. The movement of capital and “moving pictures”: to the genealogy of cinema // Cinema / Capital. St. Petersburg, Seance: 2018. p. 7-29.

Andrei Gornykh. “The Internal Enemy in the Information War (Donbass Ideological Palimpsest),” in The Ideology and Politics Journal. Issue 3(11), 2018. (in Russian)

Andrei Gornykh.  “Of the Fetishization of Sound,” in Philosophical-Culturological Journal, No. 1, (2018). P. 46-66 (in Russian)

Andrei Gornykh. “Imperialism Today” in Sinij Divan. Philosophical-Theoretical Journal, Vol. 23, (2018). (in Russian) ISBN. 978-5-94607-018-5

Andrei Gornykh. “University: network, flow, community,” in Perekrestki No. 1, 2018. Vilnius: EHU. ISSN 1822-5136.  (in Russian)

Andrei Gornykh. “Sacrifice: Desire and Economics,” in “Anthropology of the Sacrifice: from Archaic Roots to Modern Contexts”, Samara Humanitarian Academy, 2017. (in Russian)

Andrei Gornykh. “Can the Unconscious be not Political?”, in Political Science. No 1, (2017), 311-327. (in Russian)

Andrei Gornykh. “The Thing on the Screen,” in The Philosophy Journal, Vol. 10, No.1, (2017), 163-172. ISSN 2072-0726 (in Russian)

Andrei Gornykh. “Depoliticization of the War,” in Philosophical-Culturological Journal, No. 1-2, (2016 (2017)), ISSN 1815-0047 16-32. (in Russian)

Andrei Gornykh. “How Did We Live Up To the Real Cinema?” Sinij Divan. Philosophical-Theoretical Journal, Vol. 21, (2016), 194-216. ISBN. 978-5-94607-018-5 (in Russian)

Andrei Gornykh. “Tynjanov: Parody as Fate,” in The Formal Method: An Anthology of Russian Modernism. Vol. 1. Systems, Serguei Oushakine, (Ekaterinburg, Moscow: Kabinetnyi uchenyi, 2016), 517-530. (in Russian) ISBN. 978-5-7525-2995-5 (in Russian)

Andrei Gornykh. “Reality of the Snuff-film,” in Sinij Divan. Philosophical-Theoretical Journal, Vol. 20, (2015), 7-25. ISBN. 978-5-94607-018-5 (in Russian)

Andrei Gornykh. “Nostalgia for European Home: Tarkovsky’s the Debt and Debts” in E. Tsymbal Tarkovsky and Contemporary Russian Culture (Moscow), 2014. (in Russian)

Andrei Gornykh. “Capitalism and Anxiety” in Philosophical-Culturological Journal, No. 2 (2013), 12-30. (in Russian)

Andrei Gornykh, A. O « so- » ( retsenziya na knigu : Petrovskaya Ye. Bezymyannyye soobshchestva ) // TОPOS № 2, Izdatelstvo EHU, (2013), s. 151-157 ISSN 1815-0047

Andrei Gornykh. “About the Beginnings of Philosophy in the Context of its newest End”, in Philosophical-Culturological Journal, No. 1, (2012), 43-52. (in Russian)

Andrei Gornykh. “Imprinted Lost Time of Andrei Tarkovsky” in Neprikosnovennyi Zapas (Moscow), No. 6 (2012), 46-61. (in Russian)

Andrei Gornykh. “Social poetics of Tarkovsky’s cinema” in Translit (Saint Petersburg), No. 10 (2012), 62-72. (in Russian)

Andrei Gornykh. “The Instance of the Letter in Tarkovsky’s psychobiography” in Philosophical-Culturological Journal, No. 3 (2011), 74-92. (in Russian)

Andrei Gornykh. “The Intelligentsia and Aesthetics of Anti-Communism” in Philosophical-Culturological Journal, No. 2 (2011), 28-38. (in Russian)

Andrei Gornykh. From YouTube to RuTube – or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love All Tubes // YouTube Reader. Stockholm, National Library of Sweden, 2009. ISBN-10:9188468119 (in English)

Andrei Gornykh. Visual Anthropology: to See Himself as Other in Anthropological Forum (Saint-Petersburg) 2008, pp. 382-404. (in Russian)

Andrei Gornykh. “Aesthetics of Internet and Visual Consumption. On the RuNet’s essence and specificity,” (with Almira Ousmanova), in Control + Shift. Public and private usages of the Russian Internet, (Norderstedt, 2006), 198-214. (in English)

Andrei Gornykh. “Montage as Historical Form”, in P. Romanov, E. Jarskaja-Smirnova, eds. Visual Anthropology: new approaches to social reality (Saratov, Russia: Academic press), 2007. pp. 348-367. ISBN 5-9758-0247-4 (in Russian)

Andrei Gornykh. “The Aesthetics of Cinema and Contemporaneity of History“, in Philosophical-Culturological Journal, No. 1 (2007). 88-102. (in Russian)

Andrei Gornykh. “The Cinematographic Horror as a Symptom of Modernity, in Visual (as) Violence, ed. by A.Ousmanova. Vilnius, EHU Press, 2007, 64-89. (in Russian)

Andrei Gornykh. “Russian Formalism and Anglo-American New Criticism: From Poetics of Form to Anthropology of Text”, in Problemos (Vilnius). 66 (2004), pp. 40-50. (in Lithuanian)

Andrei Gornykh. Entries for the “Newest Philosophical Dictionary.” Minsk: The Book House. 2003. ISBN 985-428-636-3: Jameson Fredric (pp. 312-316), Lacan Jacques (pp. 535-538), Levi-Strauss Claude (pp. 549). (in Russian)

Andrei Gornykh. «The problem of the other language in Lotman’s conception from the post-Soviet point of view», in The materials of the international conference devoted to the 80-th anniversary of Yuri Lotman. Tartu, 2002. (in English)

Andrei Gornykh. “Narrative and visual form: critical historicizing according to F. Jameson”, in Philosophical-Culturological Journal, No. 4 (2001). P. 104-115. (in Russian)

Andrei Gornykh. “Jacques Lacan’s imaginary “other””, in Philosophical-Culturological Journal, 2001. No. 4 (2001). P. 41-49. (in Russian)

Andrei Gornykh. Entries for “Postmodernism. Encyclopedia” (Edited by Gritsanov A., Mozheiko M.). Minsk: Interpresservice: The Book House, 2001. ISBN 985-6656-05-2: Power (pp. 127-128), Deconstruction (pp. 196-198), Jameson Fredric (pp. 217-222), Kinotext (pp. 361-362), Connotation (pp. 373-374), Lacan Jacques (pp. 404-409), “Postmodernism or the logic of the culture of late capitalism” Jamieson F. (pp. 688-690), Saussure Ferdinand de (pp. 788-789), Structuralism (pp. 803-804). (in Russian)

Andrei Gornykh. Entries for “The World Encyclopedia: Philosophy” (edited by A. Gritsanov). Moscow: ACT, Minsk: Harvest, 2001. ISBN 5-17-007278-3: Power (pp. 170-171), Deconstruction (pp. 278 -279), Derrida Jacques (pp. 287-288), Jamieson Fredrick (pp. 301-303), Culturology (pp. 527-528). (in Russian)

Scientific articles in periodicals, continuing and one-off cultural and professional publications:

Andrei Gornykh. Lacan’s image theory: lack, exhange, meaning // Palgrave Handbook of Image Studies. 2020.

Andrei Gornykh. Trava-Trata-Travlia: Tarkovsky’s Psychobiography à la lettre. REFOCUS: The Films of Andrei Tarkovsky (Edited by Sergei Toymentsev). Edinburgh University Press, 2019. ISBN-13: 978-1474437233 272 p.

Andrei Gornykh. Photography as a medium: Proust’s Punctum in Lacan’s Mirror // in Philosophical-Culturological Journal, No. 1-2, (2019).  P. 117-135.

Andrei Gornykh. Imaginary Words as Reality: Freud with Proust // The Language of Humanities: Between Word and Image. European Humanities University, 2019.

Andrei Gornykh. The movement of capital and “moving pictures”: to the genealogy of cinema // Cinema / Capital. St. Petersburg, Seance: 2018. p. 7-29.

Andrei Gornykh. “The Internal Enemy in the Information War (Donbass Ideological Palimpsest),” in The Ideology and Politics Journal. Issue 3(11), 2018. (in Russian)

Andrei Gornykh.  “Of the Fetishization of Sound,” in Philosophical-Culturological Journal, No. 1, (2018). P. 46-66 (in Russian)

Andrei Gornykh. “Imperialism Today” in Sinij Divan. Philosophical-Theoretical Journal, Vol. 23, (2018). (in Russian) ISBN. 978-5-94607-018-5

Andrei Gornykh. “University: network, flow, community,” in Perekrestki No. 1, 2018. Vilnius: EHU. ISSN 1822-5136.  (in Russian)

Andrei Gornykh. “Sacrifice: Desire and Economics,” in “Anthropology of the Sacrifice: from Archaic Roots to Modern Contexts”, Samara Humanitarian Academy, 2017. (in Russian)

Andrei Gornykh. “Can the Unconscious be not Political?”, in Political Science. No 1, (2017), 311-327. (in Russian)

Andrei Gornykh. “The Thing on the Screen,” in The Philosophy Journal, Vol. 10, No.1, (2017), 163-172. ISSN 2072-0726 (in Russian)

Andrei Gornykh. “Depoliticization of the War,” in Philosophical-Culturological Journal, No. 1-2, (2016 (2017)), ISSN 1815-0047 16-32. (in Russian)

Andrei Gornykh. “How Did We Live Up To the Real Cinema?” Sinij Divan. Philosophical-Theoretical Journal, Vol. 21, (2016), 194-216. ISBN. 978-5-94607-018-5 (in Russian)

Andrei Gornykh. “Tynjanov: Parody as Fate,” in The Formal Method: An Anthology of Russian Modernism. Vol. 1. Systems, Serguei Oushakine, (Ekaterinburg, Moscow: Kabinetnyi uchenyi, 2016), 517-530. (in Russian) ISBN. 978-5-7525-2995-5 (in Russian)

Andrei Gornykh. “Reality of the Snuff-film,” in Sinij Divan. Philosophical-Theoretical Journal, Vol. 20, (2015), 7-25. ISBN. 978-5-94607-018-5 (in Russian)

Reports and plenary lectures at international and national conferences:

«Organizing Fantasies: Ideology of Late Capitalism in Media Texts”, paper presented at the  conference The Ghosts of ideology”  , December 6 – 7, 2019 (Vilnius, LITHUANIA)

 “Production and Repetition: About Woman’s Existence”, paper presented at the International Conference The Legacy of Simone de Beauvoir and the Post/Feminist Condition in the XXI century , October 18 – 19, 2019 (Vilnius, LITHUANIA)

Transformation of Post-Soviet Cinema », paper presented at the VIII  International Congress of Belarusian Studies , September 27 – 30, 2019 (Vilnius, LITHUANIA)

The Nature of Communicative Act  (Arendt and Nietszche) // “Higher Education in Times of Crisis –  Hannah  Arendt´s  Intellectual Legacy and Political Impact”. EHU (Vilnius), September 23-24, 2019

«Money in the Soviet and post-Soviet cinema: nostalgia and anti-utopia”, paper presented at  the International Conference  Cultural Commodities: The Phenomenon of Mass Literature in Contemporary Russia”. May 29 – 31, 2019 (Bologna, ITALY)

Conference Analysing Darkness and Light: Dystopias and Beyond  (Helsinki, April 16-17 , 2019, FINLAND)

“The crisis of representation and the need for the incompleteness of modernity “, International Conference, XV Malye Bannye Chtenia. “Viscous Modernity: Postmodern in Form, Conservative in Content” (May  24 – 25, 2019, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA)

“Imaginary Words as Reality: Freud with Proust // The Language of Humanities: Between Word and Image. European Humanities University, Vilnius, December 3-4, 2018

 “The historical poetics of the film “My Friend Ivan Lapshin” (A. German)” // International Scientific and Practical Conference “Phenomenology and poetics of Alexei German’s films”. Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences SPBU (Russia, St. Petersburg, December 7-8, 2017)

 “Revolution and Form: Left Avant-gardism with Political Utopianism” // The Revolutionary Imaginary: Visual Culture in an Age of Political Turbelences. Interdisciplinary conference, Vilnius (Lithuania,Vilnius,  November 30 – December 1, 2017)

“The Internal Enemy in Information War” // “Logos and Pathos: Humanitarian Reflection in War Conditions”, Minsk International Education Center named after Johannes Rau (Minsk, Belarus, October 28-29, 2017)

“Sacrifice: Desire and Economics” // “Anthropology of the Sacrifice: from Archaic Roots to Modern Contexts”, Samara Humanitarian Academy (Russia, Samara, October 12-14, 2017)

“Medialization of Knowledge and the Contemporary University” // To Think, to See, to Write: Teaching Courses on Visual Culture in the Context of Liberal Arts Education. EHU. (Vilnius, October 5-6, 2017)

“The movement of Capital and ‘Moving Pictures’: Towards a Genealogy of Cinema” // Cinemа and Capital, The 6th International Conference, Center for Study of Economic Cullture, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, St. Petersburg State University (Russia, St. Petersburg, May 29-27, 2017).  Member of Program Committee of the International Conference “Cinemа and Capital”.

“The fate of Utopia: From Lenin to Tarkovsky” // Artes Liberalis. The Age of Revolutions. (Minsk, April 29, 2017)

“Visual Concepts: Techniques and Context” // HESP ReSET seminar Digital epistemology for Non-digital born aAcademy: Visualization, Zoom and Curation (Lithuania, Vilnius, December 17-20, 2015)

“Waze: New Way” // The Topology of the Digital Extensions, Russian Academy, Higher School of Economics (Russia, Moscow, December 11-12, 2015)

“R. Barthes: Two Times“ // Le Temps de Roland Barthes, French Institute, European Humanities University A. J. Greimas Centre of Semiotics and Literary Theory, Vilnius University (Lithuania, Vilnius, October 22-24, 2015)

“Photo-Fetish“// Conremporary Reception of Roland Barthes in Eastern Europe (Belarus, Minsk, Tzech Gallery, May 29, 2015)

“Knowledge and Visual Poetics of Viral Loop” // Going Digital: the Forms and Formats of the Medialization of Knowledge Inside and Outside of the  Academia. HESP ReSET, EHU (Lithuania, Vilnius, April 17-19, 2015)

“Propaganda and Media: Critique and Understanding”// Ukraine in Flames, CEERES Events (USA, Chicago, October 2, 2014)

“Dialectics of Form: from Russian Formalism to Visual Studies” // International Congress  “100th Anniversary of Russian Formalism”. National Research University “High School of Economics” (Moscow, August 25-29, 2013)

“Theory of Fact in the Russian formalism of the 1920s (O. Brik, V. Shklovsky, S. Eisenstein)” // International Scientific Conference II-th Bricks Readings: Methodology and practice of Russian formalism. Moscow State University of Printing (Moscow, March 20-23 2013).

“The Genealogy of the Modern Female Image (the case of Flaubert’s “Madam Bovary”)” // Literary forum. La femme: Read About Yourself. Minsk, January 20-21, 2018.

“On the Border of Artificial Intelligence: a Structure of Fantasy” // International Film Festival “Chronotop” (Belarus, Kaptaruny, July 22-28, 2017)

Post-Utopia and Urban Navigation in Digital Era // Expanding Space Program, V-A-C Foundation (Russia, Moscow, February 25, 2016)

“The Energy of Labour” // Artes Liberalis. Poetica of Labour. (Minsk, April 29, 2016)

Lecture and Public Debate “War and Peace in Mediascape” // Film festival ‘Kinomedia’, Independent Association of Broadcasters  (Ukraine, Kiev, December 1, 2015)

Publication of scientific sources, translation of a scientific text, preparation (and compilation) of periodic and one-time scientific publications:

“Jameson F. Beyond the Cave: Demysifying the Ideology of Modernism” (translation in Russian). (Ekaterinburg, Moscow: Kabinetnyi uchenyi, 2016), 243-270.

Educational and popular science activities:

Webinar «Why do we like fantasy movies» (EHU,2020)

2016-2017 – Visual Concepts (educational videos)

2011 — DVD-ROM “Television: Production of Knowledge”

2010 – DVD-ROM “History, Society, Cinema: Representation of WW II in the Soviet Cinema”

2006 – CD-ROM “Lines of Difference in the History of Art”

2005-2006 – TV series “The Invisible City” and “The Culture of Consumption” for Belarus TV  (author, director)

Series of public lectures:

“Ideological structure and dynamics: the critical use of Greimas’ concepts (F. Jameson)”. Vilnius University. A. J. Greimas center. October 24, 2019. Vilnius, Lithuania.