Andrei Gornykh
Teaching areas
Research interests
Media and Society (Vilnius: EHU Press, 2013). 402 p. ISBN 978-9955-773-59-7. (in Russian/English)
Scientific articles in peer-reviewed periodicals, ongoing and one-off publications:
Andrei Gornykh. (2021). Trava-Travlya-Trata: Tarkovsky’s Psychobiography à la Lettre. In ReFocus: the Films of Andrei Tarkovsky (Edited by Sergey Toymentsev) (p. 30-45). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Andrei Gornykh. (2021). Trait, Identity and the Gaze in Jacques Lacan. In The Palgrave Handbook of Image Studies (Edited by Krešimir Purgar) (p. 295-313). Palgrave: Palgrave, Macmillan.
Andrei Gornykh. (2020). Антропология стоимости: Желание и коммуникация (Б. Малиновский, Ж. Лакан). Топос. Философско-културологический журнал, (2), p. 112-129.
Andrei Gornykh. (2020). Imaginary Words as Reality: Freud with Proust. The Language of Humanities: between Word and Image (ed. by A. Mikhailov), p. 91-101.
Andrei Gornykh. (2020). Символическое действие и коммуникация: метафора и деньги у Кеннета Берка. Литература двух Америк, (9), p. 174-194. doi: 10.22455/2541-7894-2020-9-174-194
Andrei Gornykh. (2020). Репрезентация денег в советском кино: o стертых знаках отличия. Культ-товары. Коммерциализация истории в массовой культуре. Коллективная монография, p. 204-223.
Andrei Gornykh. Lacan’s image theory: lack, exhange, meaning // Palgrave Handbook of Image Studies. 2020.
Andrei Gornykh. Trava-Trata-Travlia: Tarkovsky’s Psychobiography à la lettre. REFOCUS: The Films of Andrei Tarkovsky (Edited by Sergei Toymentsev). Edinburgh University Press, 2019. ISBN-13: 978-1474437233 272 p.
Andrei Gornykh. Photography as a medium: Proust’s Punctum in Lacan’s Mirror // in Philosophical-Culturological Journal, No. 1-2, (2019). P. 117-135.
Andrei Gornykh. Imaginary Words as Reality: Freud with Proust // The Language of Humanities: Between Word and Image. European Humanities University, 2019.
Andrei Gornykh. The movement of capital and “moving pictures”: to the genealogy of cinema // Cinema / Capital. St. Petersburg, Seance: 2018. p. 7-29.
Andrei Gornykh. “Of the Fetishization of Sound,” in Philosophical-Culturological Journal, No. 1, (2018). P. 46-66 (in Russian)
Andrei Gornykh. “Imperialism Today” in Sinij Divan. Philosophical-Theoretical Journal, Vol. 23, (2018). (in Russian) ISBN. 978-5-94607-018-5
Andrei Gornykh. “University: network, flow, community,” in Perekrestki No. 1, 2018. Vilnius: EHU. ISSN 1822-5136. (in Russian)
Andrei Gornykh. “Sacrifice: Desire and Economics,” in “Anthropology of the Sacrifice: from Archaic Roots to Modern Contexts”, Samara Humanitarian Academy, 2017. (in Russian)
Andrei Gornykh. “Can the Unconscious be not Political?”, in Political Science. No 1, (2017), 311-327. (in Russian)
Andrei Gornykh. “The Thing on the Screen,” in The Philosophy Journal, Vol. 10, No.1, (2017), 163-172. ISSN 2072-0726 (in Russian)
Andrei Gornykh. “Depoliticization of the War,” in Philosophical-Culturological Journal, No. 1-2, (2016 (2017)), ISSN 1815-0047 16-32. (in Russian)
Andrei Gornykh. “How Did We Live Up To the Real Cinema?” Sinij Divan. Philosophical-Theoretical Journal, Vol. 21, (2016), 194-216. ISBN. 978-5-94607-018-5 (in Russian)
Andrei Gornykh. “Tynjanov: Parody as Fate,” in The Formal Method: An Anthology of Russian Modernism. Vol. 1. Systems, Serguei Oushakine, (Ekaterinburg, Moscow: Kabinetnyi uchenyi, 2016), 517-530. (in Russian) ISBN. 978-5-7525-2995-5 (in Russian)
Andrei Gornykh. “Reality of the Snuff-film,” in Sinij Divan. Philosophical-Theoretical Journal, Vol. 20, (2015), 7-25. ISBN. 978-5-94607-018-5 (in Russian)
Andrei Gornykh. “Nostalgia for European Home: Tarkovsky’s the Debt and Debts” in E. Tsymbal Tarkovsky and Contemporary Russian Culture (Moscow), 2014. (in Russian)
Andrei Gornykh. “Capitalism and Anxiety” in Philosophical-Culturological Journal, No. 2 (2013), 12-30. (in Russian)
Andrei Gornykh, A. O « so- » ( retsenziya na knigu : Petrovskaya Ye. Bezymyannyye soobshchestva ) // TОPOS № 2, Izdatelstvo EHU, (2013), s. 151-157 ISSN 1815-0047
Andrei Gornykh. “About the Beginnings of Philosophy in the Context of its newest End”, in Philosophical-Culturological Journal, No. 1, (2012), 43-52. (in Russian)
Andrei Gornykh. “Imprinted Lost Time of Andrei Tarkovsky” in Neprikosnovennyi Zapas (Moscow), No. 6 (2012), 46-61. (in Russian)
Andrei Gornykh. “Social poetics of Tarkovsky’s cinema” in Translit (Saint Petersburg), No. 10 (2012), 62-72. (in Russian)
Andrei Gornykh. “The Instance of the Letter in Tarkovsky’s psychobiography” in Philosophical-Culturological Journal, No. 3 (2011), 74-92. (in Russian)
Andrei Gornykh. “The Intelligentsia and Aesthetics of Anti-Communism” in Philosophical-Culturological Journal, No. 2 (2011), 28-38. (in Russian)
Andrei Gornykh. From YouTube to RuTube – or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love All Tubes // YouTube Reader. Stockholm, National Library of Sweden, 2009. ISBN-10:9188468119 (in English)
Andrei Gornykh. Visual Anthropology: to See Himself as Other in Anthropological Forum (Saint-Petersburg) 2008, pp. 382-404. (in Russian)
Andrei Gornykh. “Aesthetics of Internet and Visual Consumption. On the RuNet’s essence and specificity,” (with Almira Ousmanova), in Control + Shift. Public and private usages of the Russian Internet, (Norderstedt, 2006), 198-214. (in English)
Andrei Gornykh. “Montage as Historical Form”, in P. Romanov, E. Jarskaja-Smirnova, eds. Visual Anthropology: new approaches to social reality (Saratov, Russia: Academic press), 2007. pp. 348-367. ISBN 5-9758-0247-4 (in Russian)
Andrei Gornykh. “The Aesthetics of Cinema and Contemporaneity of History“, in Philosophical-Culturological Journal, No. 1 (2007). 88-102. (in Russian)
Andrei Gornykh. “The Cinematographic Horror as a Symptom of Modernity”, in Visual (as) Violence, ed. by A.Ousmanova. Vilnius, EHU Press, 2007, 64-89. (in Russian)
Andrei Gornykh. “Russian Formalism and Anglo-American New Criticism: From Poetics of Form to Anthropology of Text”, in Problemos (Vilnius). 66 (2004), pp. 40-50. (in Lithuanian)
Andrei Gornykh. Entries for the “Newest Philosophical Dictionary.” Minsk: The Book House. 2003. ISBN 985-428-636-3: Jameson Fredric (pp. 312-316), Lacan Jacques (pp. 535-538), Levi-Strauss Claude (pp. 549). (in Russian)
Andrei Gornykh. «The problem of the other language in Lotman’s conception from the post-Soviet point of view», in The materials of the international conference devoted to the 80-th anniversary of Yuri Lotman. Tartu, 2002. (in English)
Andrei Gornykh. “Narrative and visual form: critical historicizing according to F. Jameson”, in Philosophical-Culturological Journal, No. 4 (2001). P. 104-115. (in Russian)
Andrei Gornykh. “Jacques Lacan’s imaginary “other””, in Philosophical-Culturological Journal, 2001. No. 4 (2001). P. 41-49. (in Russian)
Andrei Gornykh. Entries for “Postmodernism. Encyclopedia” (Edited by Gritsanov A., Mozheiko M.). Minsk: Interpresservice: The Book House, 2001. ISBN 985-6656-05-2: Power (pp. 127-128), Deconstruction (pp. 196-198), Jameson Fredric (pp. 217-222), Kinotext (pp. 361-362), Connotation (pp. 373-374), Lacan Jacques (pp. 404-409), “Postmodernism or the logic of the culture of late capitalism” Jamieson F. (pp. 688-690), Saussure Ferdinand de (pp. 788-789), Structuralism (pp. 803-804). (in Russian)
Andrei Gornykh. Entries for “The World Encyclopedia: Philosophy” (edited by A. Gritsanov). Moscow: ACT, Minsk: Harvest, 2001. ISBN 5-17-007278-3: Power (pp. 170-171), Deconstruction (pp. 278 -279), Derrida Jacques (pp. 287-288), Jamieson Fredrick (pp. 301-303), Culturology (pp. 527-528). (in Russian)
Scientific articles in periodicals, continuing and one-off cultural and professional publications:
Andrei Gornykh. Lacan’s image theory: lack, exhange, meaning // Palgrave Handbook of Image Studies. 2020.
Andrei Gornykh. Trava-Trata-Travlia: Tarkovsky’s Psychobiography à la lettre. REFOCUS: The Films of Andrei Tarkovsky (Edited by Sergei Toymentsev). Edinburgh University Press, 2019. ISBN-13: 978-1474437233 272 p.
Andrei Gornykh. Photography as a medium: Proust’s Punctum in Lacan’s Mirror // in Philosophical-Culturological Journal, No. 1-2, (2019). P. 117-135.
Andrei Gornykh. Imaginary Words as Reality: Freud with Proust // The Language of Humanities: Between Word and Image. European Humanities University, 2019.
Andrei Gornykh. The movement of capital and “moving pictures”: to the genealogy of cinema // Cinema / Capital. St. Petersburg, Seance: 2018. p. 7-29.
Andrei Gornykh. “The Internal Enemy in the Information War (Donbass Ideological Palimpsest),” in The Ideology and Politics Journal. Issue 3(11), 2018. (in Russian) https://ideopol.org/logos-and-pathos-humanities-in-the-condition-of-war-issue-311-2018/
Andrei Gornykh. “Of the Fetishization of Sound,” in Philosophical-Culturological Journal, No. 1, (2018). P. 46-66 (in Russian)
Andrei Gornykh. “Imperialism Today” in Sinij Divan. Philosophical-Theoretical Journal, Vol. 23, (2018). (in Russian) ISBN. 978-5-94607-018-5
Andrei Gornykh. “University: network, flow, community,” in Perekrestki No. 1, 2018. Vilnius: EHU. ISSN 1822-5136. (in Russian)
Andrei Gornykh. “Sacrifice: Desire and Economics,” in “Anthropology of the Sacrifice: from Archaic Roots to Modern Contexts”, Samara Humanitarian Academy, 2017. (in Russian)
Andrei Gornykh. “Can the Unconscious be not Political?”, in Political Science. No 1, (2017), 311-327. (in Russian)
Andrei Gornykh. “The Thing on the Screen,” in The Philosophy Journal, Vol. 10, No.1, (2017), 163-172. ISSN 2072-0726 (in Russian)
Andrei Gornykh. “Depoliticization of the War,” in Philosophical-Culturological Journal, No. 1-2, (2016 (2017)), ISSN 1815-0047 16-32. (in Russian)
Andrei Gornykh. “How Did We Live Up To the Real Cinema?” Sinij Divan. Philosophical-Theoretical Journal, Vol. 21, (2016), 194-216. ISBN. 978-5-94607-018-5 (in Russian)
Andrei Gornykh. “Tynjanov: Parody as Fate,” in The Formal Method: An Anthology of Russian Modernism. Vol. 1. Systems, Serguei Oushakine, (Ekaterinburg, Moscow: Kabinetnyi uchenyi, 2016), 517-530. (in Russian) ISBN. 978-5-7525-2995-5 (in Russian)
Andrei Gornykh. “Reality of the Snuff-film,” in Sinij Divan. Philosophical-Theoretical Journal, Vol. 20, (2015), 7-25. ISBN. 978-5-94607-018-5 (in Russian)
Reports and plenary lectures at international and national conferences:
The Nature of Communicative Act (Arendt and Nietszche) // “Higher Education in Times of Crisis – Hannah Arendt´s Intellectual Legacy and Political Impact”. EHU (Vilnius), September 23-24, 2019
“Imaginary Words as Reality: Freud with Proust // The Language of Humanities: Between Word and Image. European Humanities University, Vilnius, December 3-4, 2018
“Visual Concepts: Techniques and Context” // HESP ReSET seminar Digital epistemology for Non-digital born aAcademy: Visualization, Zoom and Curation (Lithuania, Vilnius, December 17-20, 2015)
“Waze: New Way” // The Topology of the Digital Extensions, Russian Academy, Higher School of Economics (Russia, Moscow, December 11-12, 2015)
“R. Barthes: Two Times“ // Le Temps de Roland Barthes, French Institute, European Humanities University A. J. Greimas Centre of Semiotics and Literary Theory, Vilnius University (Lithuania, Vilnius, October 22-24, 2015)
“Photo-Fetish“// Conremporary Reception of Roland Barthes in Eastern Europe (Belarus, Minsk, Tzech Gallery, May 29, 2015)
“Knowledge and Visual Poetics of Viral Loop” // Going Digital: the Forms and Formats of the Medialization of Knowledge Inside and Outside of the Academia. HESP ReSET, EHU (Lithuania, Vilnius, April 17-19, 2015)
“Propaganda and Media: Critique and Understanding”// Ukraine in Flames, CEERES Events (USA, Chicago, October 2, 2014)
“Dialectics of Form: from Russian Formalism to Visual Studies” // International Congress “100th Anniversary of Russian Formalism”. National Research University “High School of Economics” (Moscow, August 25-29, 2013)
“Theory of Fact in the Russian formalism of the 1920s (O. Brik, V. Shklovsky, S. Eisenstein)” // International Scientific Conference II-th Bricks Readings: Methodology and practice of Russian formalism. Moscow State University of Printing (Moscow, March 20-23 2013).
“The Energy of Labour” // Artes Liberalis. Poetica of Labour. (Minsk, April 29, 2016)
Publication of scientific sources, translation of a scientific text, preparation (and compilation) of periodic and one-time scientific publications:
“Jameson F. Beyond the Cave: Demysifying the Ideology of Modernism” (translation in Russian). (Ekaterinburg, Moscow: Kabinetnyi uchenyi, 2016), 243-270.
Educational and popular science activities:
Webinar «Why do we like fantasy movies» (EHU,2020)
2016-2017 – Visual Concepts (educational videos)
2011 — DVD-ROM “Television: Production of Knowledge”
2010 – DVD-ROM “History, Society, Cinema: Representation of WW II in the Soviet Cinema”
2006 – CD-ROM “Lines of Difference in the History of Art”
2005-2006 – TV series “The Invisible City” and “The Culture of Consumption” for Belarus TV (author, director)
Series of public lectures:
“Ideological structure and dynamics: the critical use of Greimas’ concepts (F. Jameson)”. Vilnius University. A. J. Greimas center. October 24, 2019. Vilnius, Lithuania.