
The course “Intangible Cultural Heritage: Towards a New Paradigm of Heritage Studies” at the European Humanities University has been completed

The course “Intangible cultural heritage: towards a new paradigm for studying heritage” at the European Humanities University has completed. It was organized within the framework of the European Union initiative (EU4Belarus-SALT) and was held from October 2023 to April 2024 for undergraduate students in European Heritage and graduate students in Cultural Heritage Development. They were also joined by more than 20 free listeners

The main goal of the course was to familiarize students with theoretical and methodological approaches to understanding intangible cultural heritage, its specificity in comparison with other types of heritage, conservation and revival practices.

It is no coincidence that the launch of this project coincided with the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (2003).

The course consisted of 5 modules, each of which included lectures and seminars related to a common theme: from an introduction to the very concept of “intangible cultural heritage” and the main provisions of the 2003 Convention to the disclosure of topics reflecting the relationship between “intangible cultural heritage”. living heritage” and ethics, protection, documentation, inventory, gender aspects, education and protection of the rights of bearers of intangible cultural heritage.

Students were able to integrate the knowledge gained in lectures into real project and practical activities. We prepared and conducted 6 classes for children of the Belarusian Sunday school at the Belarusian Center of Solidarity and Culture in Vilnius, and also organized an Easter holiday for the families of Belarusian and Ukrainian emigrants in Lithuania called “Neighborhood Fest” (March 31, 2024).

Фото: Axana Troneva; Belsat.

The joint project with the Belarusian Wikipedia turned out to be extremely fruitful. In partnership with well-known experts in this field and with their advisory support, course participants prepared and posted on Wikipedia 11 articles devoted to individual elements of the intangible cultural heritage of Belarus:


