
The annual International Student Conference “Europe 2024: Challenges and Opportunities of the Present through the Eyes of Future Specialists” took place at EHU

The annual International Student Conference “Europe 2024: Challenges and Opportunities   of the Present through the Eyes of Future Specialists” took place at EHU. This conference served as a continuation of the longstanding tradition of student scientific gatherings, which have been taking place at universities for over a decade.

On May 28-29, 2024, the European Humanities University hosted the annual International Student Conference “Europe 2024: Challenges and Opportunities through the Specialists”. The conference was held in an intellectually intense, friendly, interactive atmosphere.

It is noteworthy that the conference adopted an interdisciplinary and multi-aspect character, avoiding fixation on a single theme and unfolding as a platform that brought together young talented researchers and creative practitioners. Over the course of two days, conference participants shared their scientific and artistic achievements, addressing and discussing a wide range of pressing issues in the fields of political science, law, economics, media and communication, sociology, gender studies, art, theater, and cultural heritage. This multifaceted approach to knowledge exchange contributed to the formation of a profound and comprehensive understanding of the diversity of contemporary challenges and opportunities. The presentations and creative projects showcased demonstrated the high level of education, erudition, awareness, ideation, and immersion in the subject matter characteristic of the conference participants.

The first day (May 28) featured a large panel titled “HOMO FABER: WHO ARE YOU?” which delved into socio-humanitarian issues, trends, and transformations related to identity, self-identification, human rights, and cultural phenomena in the contemporary landscape. During their presentations, students from the Academic Department of Humanities and Arts delved into the intricacies of theater, cinema, and cultural heritage development and perception through the lens of human personality and identity. Particularly notable was the original creative project by Victoria Kiryltsava, dedicated to the experiences of children of Belarusian emigrants, presenting a book-quest “Claudius and the Path Home. Vilnius.” Students representing the Academic Department of Social Sciences shared their scientific developments of such eternal philosophical and legal issues as freedom, power, and the role of the individual in society.

The second day of the conference (May 29) consisted of three structural parts. Participants included students from EHU as well as universities from other countries including Ukraine, Poland, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and the Philippines.

Within the panel “NEW INSTRUMENTS FOR THE DEFENCE OF INTERNATIONAL PEACE AND SECURITY”, presentations focused on the legal aspects of ensuring peace and security at the international level. A wide range of issues concerning international law, international relations, national security, regional politics, energy policy, international investment law, personal data protection and privacy were addressed.

The panel “ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AT THE SERVICE OF MANKIND” tackled the multifaceted issues surrounding the impact of artificial intelligence on modern society. Speakers explored various topics including philosophical, social, and ethical challenges related to digitalization and the application of artificial intelligence; the role of artificial intelligence in European political elections, and its potential use in the legal sphere.

The concluding panel “EUROPEAN NEW GEOPOLITICAL STRATEGY” provided an extensive overview of topics such as the right to freedom of movement, migration policy, ethnic maps, environmental democracy, and the European Green Deal.

Students were also provided with a unique opportunity to moderate the conference proceedings. First-year students Sergei and Katerina, who were moderating for the first time, shared their impressions of organizing the section. “It was empowering!” remarked Sergei. “The participants spoke so passionately that I simply couldn’t interrupt them!” Katerina smiled thoughtfully and added, “This experience is crucial for those working on their public speaking skills. And it’s also rewarding to be heard.”

The atmosphere on both days was inspiring, and stimulating. In this context, it is worth recalling the European Union anthem “Ode to Joy” (with lyrics by F. Schiller and music by L. Beethoven) — it was precisely in the elevated and expanding sense of Joy that the conference unfolded, serving as a space that brought together young minds and souls united by a common aspiration for a free, happy, and democratic future. We sincerely thank all participants for this Joy! Keep exploring, creating, developing, and realizing yourselves. Wishing you success and hoping for a soon reunion at the conference “Europe 2025”!  Good luck!
