
A strategic discussion with representatives of the European Commission took place at EHU

On June 4, a strategic discussion was held at EHU with representatives of the European Commission

On June 4, the European Humanities University was visited by a delegation of the European Commission: David Cullen, head of the Eastern Partnership EC, Francesca Cardona and Dorota Dlouchy-Suliga, representatives of the European External Action Service, Virginija Dambrauskaite, head of the European delegation to Belarus, and Aloyzas Vitkauskas, head of the EHU Trust Fund. During the conversation, there was a discussion of the prospects for the strategic activities of the European Humanities University and the continuity of funding needs, vision of the future and significant problems arising in the regional context. Also during the meeting, much attention was paid to support mechanisms for university students and graduates, issues of integration of graduates in Lithuania and return to Belarus were discussed.

Acting Rector Dr. Vilius Šadauskas presented the performance indicators and main achievements of the university, the results of the promotion of scientific and artistic research, as well as planned internal reforms aimed at optimizing the activities of the university. Also during the meeting, the opportunities and prospects for admitting EHU students for the upcoming academic year against the unique background of the university’s activities were presented.

EHU expresses its gratitude to its long-standing mission partner, the European Commission, whose strong value and financial support help ensure the continuity of the university’s activities and enable students and the academic community to achieve the highest results.

