
EHU expresses solidarity with alumna and prisoner Sofia Sapega

On May 6, the Grodno Regional Court in Belarus sentenced Sofia Sapega, the European Humanities University’s alumna of the program “International Law and EU Law” (Class 2021), to six years in prison.

Sofia was accused under seven articles of the Criminal Code of Belarus: organizing group actions that violate public order, organizing mass riots, inciting social enmity, threatening to use violence against officials, spreading slander, obstructing the activities of journalists, illegal collection of personal data. The court found Sofia guilty of allegedly inciting social enmity and illegal collection of personal data. The court ordered Sofia to pay compensation of 167,500 Belarusian rubles and a court fee of 7,488 Belarusian rubles.

Sofia was detained on May 23 at the Minsk airport after a Ryanair plane flying from Athens to Vilnius was forced to land. She flew from a vacation that she spent with Roman Protasevich, the former editor-in-chief of the Nexta Telegram channel.

The EHU community categorically condemns  injustice of the court’s decision and expresses its solidarity with those unjustly detained and convicted in Belarus. Currently, 3 alumni and 2 students of EHU are recognized as political prisoners in Belarus.
