
Prof. Iryna Ramanava presented a paper at the 51st ASEEES Convention in San Francisco

On November 23-26, the 51st Annual Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) took place in San Francisco. Among more than 2000 scholars and researchers, taking part in the leading academic forum of the United States, dedicated to the Eastern European studies — Prof. Iryna Ramanava of the European Humanities University’s (EHU) Department of Humanities and Arts.

In 2019, the agenda of the Annual Convention featured more than 660 panels and roundtables, as well as special events — presentations of books, exhibition openings, and movie screenings. This time, Belarusian studies were discussed across two panels “Religion in Post-Soviet Belarus: Official Mediations and Grassroots’ Accounts” and “Belarus: A Divided Nation?”, as well as “New Approaches to Belarusian Studies” roundtable.

Prof. Iryna Ramanava’s paper “Lepel’s Silentiaries”: Confrontation of Believers and Authorities in 1930s in Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic” was presented in the panel “Changing Religious Minds: State Policy and Transformations in Religious Practices of Soviet Citizens”. Upon presenting the paper, Prof. Ramanava was invited by Lexington Books to publish her monography in the Slavic Studies series.
