
OSCE Panel of Experts on Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and Association features EHU faculty member

On October 15-16,  Prof. Alexander Vashkevich of the European Humanities University (EHU) Department of Social Sciences took part at the annual meeting of the Panel of Experts on Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and Association of Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe.

Mrs. Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir, Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, welcomed members of the Panel in Warsaw, Poland. The Panel of Experts on Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and Association is an advisory and consultative body established in 2006. It consists of 12 independent experts from OSCE participating States, selected on the basis of their expertise, experience, integrity and objectivity.

Prof. Vashkevich, faculty member of the International Law and European Union Law study program, is a member of the Panel from the moment of its establishing.
