
On the results of the Governing Board and and the General Assembly of Part-Owners meetings

On June 25-26, a meeting of the Governing Board of the European Humanities University (EHU) took place in the new University Campus. In accordance with the Statute of EHU, the strategic decisions taken by the Governing Board were adopted by the superior management body of the University — the General Assembly of Part-Owners (GAPO).

During the meeting, the EHU Strategic Plan for 2019-2024 was approved, which includes a new mission, vision, values ​​and profile of the University. It was also decided to update the organizational structure of the University. According to the new structure, academic departments are directly subordinate to the Rector, and the Chancellor’s position, respectively merged with the Head of Rector’s Office position, is introduced. In addition, the Finance and Staff Units are merged, and the duties of the Communications Unit are expanded and now include work with the University donors and the development of external partnerships.

The Governing Board adopted the new Statutes of the EHU, where the recommendations of the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education of Lithuania are considered. Also, in accordance with the Statute, the Senate becomes the academic consultative body, whose members are represented on a parity basis by the members Academic departments. Prof. Žaneta Ozoliņa (University of Latvia) and Dr. Megaklis Petmezas (Sheffield University) joined the membership of the Governing Board. Given the resignation of Artiom Anisimov from the membership of the Governing Board, the General Assembly of Part-Owners expressed gratitude to Mr. Anisimov for his contribution to the strategic management of EHU. In addition, EHU budget for AY 2018/19 was approved.
