
President Prof. Mikhailov receives Doctor Honoris Causa of the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

On October 31 in St. Petersburg, Doctor Honoris Causa degree of the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (Herzen University) was bestowed to the European Humanities University (EHU) President Prof. Anatoli Mikhailov.

The decision to present Doctor Honoris Causa was taken by the Scientific Council of the Herzen University. During the Ceremony, regalia and diploma were presented to Prof. Anatoli Mikhailov by Herzen University Rector. Prof. Sergey Bogdanov.

Doctor Honoris Causa degree is presented by the Herzen University to Russian and foreign researchers, scholars and artists for extraordinary achievements in the field of research and pedagogy, active participation in the development of international scientific, cultural and educational ties.

Herzen University was founded in 1797 in St. Petersburg and is Russia’s leading pedagogical University. In April 2018, EHU and Herzen University signed a cooperation agreement in fields of studies and research, with a particular focus on sharing expertise in the development of the liberal arts curriculum.

