Internal Evaluation of Teaching and Learning

Another important monitoring and self-evaluation tool is the student survey.

Surveys are conducted twice a year by the Student Service both for distance learning and on-campus students, and for the undergraduate and graduate students. This survey provides information on programs, courses, quality of teaching, material resources, evaluation of administrative work, and student satisfaction with the social activities provided, the psychological climate, and their studies at the University.

Though regular student surveys were conducted since AY 2009–2010, relevant feedback was not provided for students or the academic community. Therefore, starting in AY 2012–2013, student questionnaires and survey methodology were revised and adapted to new requirements for quality assurance. This step is intended to improve student awareness of the evaluation process and to find ways to overcome problems and difficulties of completion. A feedback loop should also ensure that the majority of students will participate in the surveys, will understand the value of them, and will commit themselves to a quality culture.

Faculty and administrative staff satisfaction surveys were conducted in AY 2013–2014. All members of the academic community—students, faculty members, administrative staff—will make up the feedback loop. This unified approach will improve the quality assurance of teaching and learning.