Ecumenical learning in focus
European Humanities University (EHU) will host a conference on ecumenical learning. “Christian Theology in a New Key: Examining Practical Examples and Innovative Models for Ecumenical Learning and Theology in Central and Eastern Europe: The Orthodox Handbook on Ecumenism as a Case Study” will be organized together with the Network for Ecumenical Learning in Central and Eastern Europe (NELCEE) and Issa Institute (Vilnius).
The conference will be held October 15-16, 2014 at Domus Maria Hotel (Aušros vartų g. 12, Vilnius).
EHU Professor of Law Oleg Bresky will present a report on doctrine related to the church in the contemporary world according to the canonical law of the Russian Orthodox Church.
“Deconstructing the Debates Rift: Sociological and Theological Argumentation on Human Rights in Eastern Europe” will be the subject of a presentation by EHU Head of Research, sociologist Dr. Olga Breskaya.
The conference will be attended by scholars from Volos Academy for Theological Studies(Greece), University of South Africa, University of Latvia, Kiev-Mohyla Academy (Ukraine), Centre “Ecumena” (Belarus), Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani Teaching University (Georgia), The Institute for the Study of Culture and Christianity in Belgrade (Serbia), St. Andrew’s Biblical Theological Institute (Russia), University of Fribourg (Switzerland), Institute of Ecumenical Research (Romania), Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church (Hungary), Issa Institute(Lithuania), European Humanities University (Lithuania).
Click here to view the program.
The mission of NELCEE is to promote ecumenism in the spirit of communion in otherness between different Christian traditions while advocating for academic programs of religious and theological education at secondary and post-secondary levels.