The European Humanities University is located in the premises of the late 18th century former Augustinian monastery, which is placed in one of the most picturesque and prestigious districts of Vilnius — the Old Town. This location immerses student and faculty community in the cultural life of Vilnius and fosters the integration of EHU into the Lithuanian academic community.
Virtual Campus tour
Getting around
EHU Campus is located at 17 Savičiaus Str., 01127 Vilnius.
By public transportation:
- From Vilnius city center: take bus 11 to the Vilnios stop, cross the bridge and go up to the hill (journey time ~ 10-15 min).
- From the railway and bus stations: from the E stop take bus 31, 13, 34 or 74 to the Aušros vartai stop, go to the arch of the gate down the street, at the intersection of Didžioji street and Šv. Kazimiero str. turn to Šv. Kazimiero str., at the intersection of Šv. Kazimiero str. and Bokšto str. turn to Bokšto str. and go till the intersection of the Bokšto str. and Šv. Kazimiero str. (journey time ~ 15 min).
- From the shopping center “Akropolis”: take bus 53 at the Šeškinės kalvos stop and go to the Vingriai stop, then go to into the Old Town towards the Town Hall Square, at the intersection of Didžioji str. and Savičiaus str. turn to Savičiaus str. (journey time ~ 40 min).
- From the Saulėtekis student village: take trolleybus 2 to the Vingriai stop, then go to into the Old Town towards the Town Hall Square, at the intersection of Didžioji str. and Savičiaus str. turn to Savičiaus str. (travel time ~ 40 min).
- From the Didlaukio student village: take bus 10 from Didlaukio stop to Užupio stop, and go up to the hill (journey time ~ 30 min).
Additional public transportation information is available here.