EHU Alumni:
- are running or working for private businesses in areas like medical and traditional tourism, web development, graphic design, photography, international and space law, banking, logistics, and others.
- have created websites that enable Belarusian citizens to upload instances of election violations to an online map (electby.org).
- in Belarusian and international NGOs like BYWatch, EOTP, International Consortium EUROBELARUS; many are active in the Belarusian opposition.
- work in international and Belarusian research institutions, universities, and think tanks, including the Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies, Institute of Political Studies Political Sphere, Comenius University in Bratislava, Higher School of Economics, and at EHU itself.
- work as journalists, editors, and bloggers in Belarusian and international media like Belsat, DELFI, LRT, Citydog, and others.
Get Involved!
Benefits of EHU’s Alumni Network
EHU Alumni Association offers lifelong membership to all who attended the university. By keeping in touch, alums can benefit from receiving regular information on career opportunities, job openings, educational programs, grants, career seminars on campus in Vilnius, and a network that connects employers to talented graduates.
Since 2012, alumni meetings are taking place regularly in Minsk and in Vilnius. Please check the news section for information about upcoming events.
Initiate an Alumni Club
Our alums are invited to initiate local alumni clubs connecting alums with similar interests or living in the same geographical area. Alumni clubs can propose projects and apply to EHU for support. Currently such clubs operate in Minsk, New York, Vilnius, and Vitebsk. To join an EHU club in your area or to start a new one, please write to alumni@ehu.lt
More information about alumni activities is also available on EHU’s alumni FB group
Alumni Scholarship
The EHU Alumni Scholarship Fund supports current active undergraduate students and fosters closer links between EHU students and alumni. EHU Alumni Scholarships encourage social engagement and are awarded to students who demonstrate a high level of academic achievement as well as involvement in extracurricular activities.
Alumni are invited to donate to the EHU Alumni Scholarship Fund at regular EHU alumni meetings or by visiting EHU’s accounting office (Tauro g. 12, Vilnius) and via the website (remember to indicate that your donation is for the EHU Alumni Scholarship Fund).
Selection Criteria
The call for applications for the EHU Alumni Scholarship is usually announced in the fall. Students wishing to apply for the EHU Alumni Scholarship need to submit the following documents to alumni@ehu.lt:
- justification from the Academic Department, signed by the Dean of the Undergraduate School, which should include the academic rating, and achievements (grants, awards, scholarships received, places taken in competitions, diplomas, certificates);
- list of social activities (confirmed by recommendations of Student Service staff or Student Government Council);
- a letter of recommendation from a Head of Department;
- a letter of recommendation from an EHU Alumni Scholarship donors.
Selection procedure
The Scholarship is awarded on a competitive basis within the limits of the EHU Alumni Scholarship Fund.
The applications are reviewed and approved by the EHU Alumni Scholarship Commission, comprised of the dean of undergraduate school, three alumni-donors to the Scholarship Fund, a representative of Student Service, and a member of the Student Union. The criteria-meeting applications are then reviewed by the alumni-donors, who determine the awardee by a majority vote.
EHU Distinguished Alumni
Nasta Lojka is an EHU alumna (Master’s Program in International and European Law, 2015).
Since 2008, Nasta Lojka has been involved in human rights activities, including participation in international observer missions, civil education initiatives, training facilitation, and 8 years of work at the public reception center “Viasna.” Lojka is a co-founder of the human rights organization Human Constanta and a member of the International Youth Human Rights Movement (YHRM). She is an expert in the field of human rights, freedom of assembly, civil oversight, volunteer management, as well as issues related to anti-discrimination and equality. While working in the field of human rights, Nasta assisted individuals who were repressed for their participation in the protests of 2020.
In 2018, she received the Rada Awards in the category of “Eternal Engine in the Youth Sector.” Nasta is also the Laureate of the Belarusian Human Rights Community Award in the category of “Human Rights Defender of the Year 2022.”
Since the autumn of 2022, Nasta has been in detention (having previously been subjected to multiple administrative arrests). In December 2022, she was recognized as a political prisoner.
On June 20, 2023, the Minsk City Court sentenced the human rights defender to 7 years of imprisonment in a case related to incitement of enmity (Part 3 of Article 130 of the Criminal Code of Belarus). The basis for initiating the criminal case was a report titled “Persecution of Anarchists, Antifascists, Leftists, and Public Activists in Belarus” (2017 – August 2018), which included critical assessments of the activities of law enforcement officers.
Mikalai Dziadok, a graduate of the Bachelor’s program in World Politics and Economicsб class 2019. Mikalai is a public and political figure, blogger, journalist who actively and honestly expresses his civic position. Political prisoner.
Graduated from the Law College of BSU, after which he was enrolled in the third year of studies at the law faculty of BSU. Mikalai left the university because he considered the form and methods of teaching as unacceptable. Mikalai entered the low-residence form of studies at EHU for the program “Political Science and European Studies”.
In September 2010, he was illegally arrested and sentenced to imprisonment for alleged hooliganism, which he did not commit. Was recognized as a political prisoner. Under pressure from the EU and the world community, Mikalai was released on August 22, 2015, along with other political prisoners.
He returned to the studies at EHU for a joint program with the Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas “World Politics and Economics”. After completing his studies, in order to prepare for entering a Master’s program in Poland, he left for language courses at the University of Lublin. Due to the pandemic and the transition to distance learning, he returned to Belarus. On November 11, 2020, Mikalai was arrested.
Milakai Dziadok was the winner of the Ales Korol Award in 2017 in the category “Best Social and Political Material” for the article “Parasitic Protests and the Prospect of the Maidan” in the newspaper “Novy Chas” and Ales Korol Award in 2018 in the category “Best Social and Political Article” for the article “Prison and Freedom: Cultural Exchange”. In 2017, he also received the Frantsishak Alyakhnovich Award for the best work written in captivity (the book “Colors of a Parallel World”).
Kseniya graduate from the Bachelor’s Program in Media and Visual Design in 2015 and the Master’s Program in Cultural Studies in 2017. Kseniya is the author of the adventure trilogy “Advarotny bok liustra” («Адваротны бок люстра»), 2012, 2016 and the novel “Gubernskі detektyu. Sprava ab kryvavyh dukatah” («Губернскі дэтэктыў. Справа аб крывавых дукатах»), 2017. Since 2018, Kseniya has been a member of the Union of Belarusian Writers. Kseniya also works as a book designer – she designs both for her own projects and those of other authors. The design of the trilogy ” Advarotny bok liustra” and its promotional products, which became Kseniya’s Final project for a Bachelor’s degree, was included in the top five finalists of the international competition “Design Debut” in 2015. In 2017, Michal Baranovsky’s book “Volumen.1”, designed by Kseniya, won the Maxim Bogdanovich Debut Literary Prize.
Kseniya has written a scientific monograph on the design of Belarusian money “Money and Ideology: [R] Evolution of Belarusianness 100 Years Long” («Деньги и идеология: [R]эволюция белорусскости длиной в 100 лет»), 2018, based on her Master’s study and published it as part of a series of EHU young researchers “Opus Primum”. The presentation of the monograph took place at the Money Museum at the Bank of Lithuania in Vilnius and Maxim Bogdanovich Literary Museum in Minsk in 2018. The monograph was also presented at the plenary session of the IX International Numismatic Conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Belarusian ruble, at the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus in 2019.
Since 2017, Kseniya has been conducting an author’s workshop on essays at the Propileia Center for EHU applicants in Minsk. And in 2019, together with Viktor Martinovich, she held the Creative Writing Workshop of the III EHU Summer School in Vilnius. The result was the release of the collection “12”, which included the best texts of the workshop participants. It was presented at the Maxim Bogdanovich Literary Museum in Minsk in January 2020.
Now Kseniya is a doctoral student of the EHU doctoral program in “Philosophy” and an assistant of the Department of Humanities and Arts at EHU.
Alexander graduated from the Bachelor’s Program in Media and Communication in 2010. In 2009 he graduated from the first joint courses of the BBC and EHU in applied journalism, took part in an internship in London with the other 8 best students. He worked as own correspondent of Belsat in Vilnius, on the European Radio for Belarus, as a reporter and presenter on Lithuanian radio and TV. Taught a course on practical journalism skills at EHU. He stood at the origins of the EHU Media Hub and was the editor of the university radio station, the releases of which have been aired on the European Radio for Belarus for more than a year and a half. From 2012 to 2016 Alexander worked as a trainer in interpersonal business communications in the Swiss company Gustav Kaeser Training International, headed the Baltic and Belarusian bureaus.
In 2012, he founded the Mozgo project, a pub quiz, which has spread to over 15 countries and 240 cities in the world and is the largest in terms of both the number of players and the number of cities participating in games.
Tsimafei graduated from the Bachelor’s Program in International Law in 2013. Works as a legal adviser for the Haxus Investment Fund (projects MSQRD, Maps.me, Fabby, Flo and others). Lecturer of the disciplines “Intellectual Property Law”, “Anti-Corruption” and “Fundamentals of Law” at the School of Business and Management of Technology of BSU. Author of many legal publications in the Belarusian media and legal magazines. Fulbright Fellow 2015 (UIC John Marshall Law School, Chicago).
Previously worked as a lawyer at the international COBALT law firm, as a legal adviser at the startup incubator Serendipity Innovations (Stockholm, Sweden). Had an internship at FINCA International (Washington, USA).
Maryna received her Bachelor’s degree in International Law at EHU in 2010. She is one of Belarus major environmental and ecological activist. Maryna works as a coordinator of the legal office of the “Green Network’”, as well as director of the Public Association “Ecohome”.
Zakharko graduated from EHU undergraduate program “Cultural Heritage and Tourism”in 2011. Yahor is the founder of Belarus’ first and most successful private music festivals Mirum Music Festival, which annually takes place nearby UNESCO World Heritage-listed Mir Castle Complex.
Bazhko works as a Hospitality Project Manager at Airbnb in Dublin, Ireland. He graduated from EHU with honors and has kept in touch with his alma mater ever since. He is responsible for creating and administering EHU‘s Alumni LinkedIn page.
Androsau graduated from EHU bachelor and master programs in the field of cultural heritage and tourism. He has established two companies operating in the sector of medical tourism. His company MedTravelBelarus was the first company of its kind in Belarus and annually provides treatment in Belarusian clinics for more than 700 customers from abroad. EHU alumnus develops the outbound medical tourism. Via his another medical tourism operator Elite Med Belarusians have an opportunity to improve their health in European SPA resorts or receive medical checkups, treatment, and rehabilitation in foreign clinics. Today Uladzislau is the leading expert in the medical tourism in Belarus.
Androsau was featured in Top 30 list of the most successful Belarusian entrepreneurs.
Ihnatovich is a journalist and a civic activist. She was the leader of EHU’s LitPro project, has authored a number of scholarly publications, has curated several film festivals, including ToKino and Lithuanian/Soviet Cinema: Reconstruction, and is involved in other public activities. She is an alum of EHU’s undergraduate Mass Media and Journalism program (BA, 2010) and graduate Visual and Cultural Studies program (MA, 2012) and was named both the best undergraduate and best graduate student in her class.