Doctoral Conference “Sociality and Subjectivity: Interrelation and Mutual Irreducibility”
European Humanities University (EHU) in collaboration with Vytautas Magnus University and Lithuanian Culture Research Institute invites to the third annual PhD conference in Philosophy “Sociality and Subjectivity: Interrelation and Mutual Irreducibility”.
In social sciences, the opposition individual–society remains a paradigmatic frame which conditions ways and methods of our understanding of human/social experience. By determining the thematic focus of the conference as “sociality and subjectivity”, we hope to provide an analytical frame which, in spite of its formal similarity, enables to conceive reality “beyond” the opposition mentioned above i.e. to conceive reality before individual and society will be opposed to each other as separate substances. Differentiation of sociality and subjectivity follows another logic which presupposes that these elements have knots and plies which being inabolishable are constitutively shared by them both. Sociality and subjectivity are essentially interrelated while being at the same time mutually irreducible to each other.
The conference is aimed at detailed analysis of various modes and dimensions of interrelation between subjectivity and sociality and at careful clarification of grounds and implications of their mutual irreducibility. It is expected also, that a special attention will be paid to epistemological (incl. heuristic) effects of the very shifting from the social-theoretical frame determined by the opposition individual–society to the philosophical frame constituted by the differentiation of sociality and subjectivity.
Working languages: English, Russian
The program of the conference is available here.
Organizing committee of the conference:
A. Andrijauskas, D. Jonkus, T. Shchyttsova (chair)