
Workshop “The City as Historical Infrastructure” in Warsaw

Laboratory of Critical Urbanism of the European Humanities University (EHU) organizes a workshop “The City as Historical Infrastructure” in Warsaw, Poland. Workshop is organized in cooperation with the German Historical Institute Warsaw, Cultural Attaché of the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to the Republic of Poland, Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee, and Fundacja Przestrzeni Publicznej M20.

NB! Workshop is organized on March 28-29. Program of the workshop is available online.

Cities as modes of settlement are closely linked to changing forms of statehood. The development of a spatial environment attached to medieval castles meant that citizens, through goods and services, facilitated the strengthening of state power. In contrast, this environment was also characterized by specific legal, cultural and economic forms of urban selforganization.

The aim of this workshop is to discuss existing approaches to the city as a historically evolving infrastructure crucial to the development of modern forms of statehood. We will discuss urban settlements in Central and Eastern Europe and their relationship with a variety of developments in infrastructure. Our aim is to develop analytical insights into understanding the relations between urban infrastructures and changing modes of sovereignty in the region.

The workshop is conceived to serve as a forum for the preparation of a larger workshop to be held in Vilnius in the frame of the Colloquium Vilnense series in the Academic Year of 2017/18.
