
“The Right to Memory” Documentary Film Screening

Photo: Kilimas Arts

On July 14, at 5 PM, the European Humanities University invites everyone interested to the “The Right to Memory”  documentary film screening, that will be held at the Paupio “Pasaka” (Paupio str. 26, Vilnius).

An event of the “Sapere Aude” project together with the European Humanities University with support of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Belarus.  

The Right to Memory 

“It is great happiness to have memory.

But it is arduous work to keep it preserved.

My cause is the work of memory.” 

Arseny Roginsky

“The Right to Memory” is an intimate portrayal of one of Russia’s greatest public intellectuals, historian and human rights advocate, Arseny Roginsky (1946 – 2017).

In an eloquent and captivating monologue, Roginsky, a co-founder and long-term leader of the Memorial Society, former dissident and political prisoner, reflects on  his life and his country’s past, present, and future. 

Оne year before his death, Roginsky revealed, for the first time on film, his innermost thoughts about his birth in the Gulag, the mechanism of mass terror, the historian’s duty, and why his countrymen reject the memory of the totalitarian past.

Memorial Human Right Center, one of the oldest Russian NGOs dissolved by the Russian authorities on grounds of alleged violations of the “Foreign Agents Law” right before the war in Ukraine. 



Cinematography MIKA ALTSKAN

English translation ALEXANDER ALTSKAN

2018, 96 min.

Followed by discussion with film director Ludmila Gordon, Washington and Alvydas Nikžentaitis, historian, director of the Lithuanian Institute of History. 

