INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION INSTITUTE ON HUMAN RIGHTS – participating in the preparation of the Digest Toolkit on the protection of lawyers at risk (2018 – 2020)
JUSTICE INTERNATIONAL – participation in the country mission (2018) and webinar for Kyrgyz lawyers (2019) and “A Survey of Advocates and Lawyers in the Kyrgyz Republic”
COUNCIL OF BARS AND LAW SOCIETIES OF EUROPE (CCBE) – Consultations on issues related to the status of human rights lawyers and institute of legal assistance in countries of Eastern Europe, including Belarus, Azerbaijan, Ukraine – 2011–present.
AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION, Justice Defenders– Legal and expert consultations -1999-2000, 2007, 2014-present.
DEUTSCHE STIFTUNG FUR INTERNATIONALE RECHTLICHE ZUSAMMENARBEIT – Advising, briefings, oral presentations (2000-2004).
OSCE/ODIHR – Trainer during missions and training to Kyrgyzstan (2007, 2008), Leading expert in the preparation of the Report “Human Rights Lawyers at risk” (2015).
COUNCIL OF EUROPE – Consultations, expert briefings, organization of study visit for human rights lawyers to the ECHR, contributions to the amicus curia letters to ECHR, cooperation with the CoE HELP Program (2000 – present).
UN SPECIAL RAPPORTEUR ON INDEPENDENCE OF LAWYERS AND JUDGES- Preparation of a concept and moderation of regional consultations with lawyers (Belgrade, June 2016)
HUMAN RIGHTS HOUSE NETWORK Program “International Law in advocacy”, co-author, manager, leading expert (2005-2018)