
Official University position regarding amendments to the General Financial Rules

Photo: Kilimas Arts

The European Humanities University (EHU) shares an official statement regarding the appearance of misleading information regarding the amendments to the General Financial Rules on social media.

On June 12, 2019 the superior governing body of EHU – the General Assembly of Part-Owners (GAPO) has taken a decision to amend Addendum 2 of the General Financial Rules (Rules) for students. The exclusive right of GAPO to take decisions of this matter is stated in Article 5.2.14 of EHU Statutes. Amendments to the Rules are also supported by the position of University donors and Strategy 2019-2024, aiming at the increase of financial independence of EHU.

Thanks to the support of University donors, every citizen and permanent resident of Belarus, studying at EHU is entitled to receive the general financial support (waiving the maximum annual tuition fee from 4500 to 2000 Eur). Additionally, citizens and permanent residents of Belarus are eligible to receive grants (thus waiving annual tuition to 0/800/1400 Eur). Here and below financial conditions applied to high residence undergraduate students admitted in 2018 and earlier are used for illustration.

Amendments to the Rules emphasize the necessity to provide grants only as a subject to outstanding academic achievements, which stimulates the quality of students’ learning. Therefore, amendments impact only the academic ranking GPA, which is the sole criteria to receive grants. Tuition and waiver tariffs for students admitted in 2018 and earlier remain unchanged. Starting from October 2019, in order to receive a full tuition waiver, students enrolled in 2018 and earlier will have to have academic ranking GPA of 9.61 and above; for the waived annual tuition 800 Eur – academic ranking GPA 9.21-9.60; for the waived annual tuition 1400 Eur – academic ranking GPA 8.81-9.20. Academic ranking GPA is updated every semester/year and on the basis of academic performance, students are able to pretend for the most favorable tuition.

As for 2019 Undergraduate Admissions, tuition for Belarusian citizens and permanent residents was increased by 20%, compared with 2016-2018 Admissions. Nevertheless, the results of the Major admissions indicate a stable interest of Belarusian high school students to EHU – 203 prospective students are invited to sign study contracts. Preliminary results of the Additional admissions demonstrate that there are 35 additional prospective students, ready to sign EHU study contracts.

The University is bound to ensure the initial intended purpose while using donor funds. Among key objectives of the Strategy 2019-2024 is the increase of study quality which is also reflected in academic achievements and performance of students. Conclusions of the evaluation committee, resulting in the new higher education license issued in April 2019, indicate that EHU continuously assures the quality of studies, research and art activities. Evidently, higher academic achievements students have during their studies, more successful their professional and civic achievements become after graduation. 

EHU is committed to making sure that even non-University funds are provided to students. E.g. this autumn 33 students will receive 420-520 Eur monthly stipend for their Erasmus+ mobility. Additionally, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, as well as the Government of Lithuania provide special stipends to EHU Master students demonstrating outstanding academic achievements. 

EHU ensures the rights and legitimate interests of all students.
