
Statement on EHU’s support to the Belarusian civil society

Photo: Kilimas Arts

The community of the European Humanities University decisively protests against harassment and repressions against civil society in Belarus, in particular the new wave of massive raids and persecutions that have affected tens of organizations and activists in the recent days.

Founded in 1992 with the purpose of returning Belarus to the European intellectual space, EHU is confident that independent and open to the world Belarus is impossible without civil society institutes, separation of powers, rule of law, pluralistic political system, and independent media.

All residents of Belarus have become victims of the repressions taking place during the last 11 months, continuing impunity and neglect of rights and freedoms of citizens that are guaranteed by the Constitution imposes a direct threat to the statehood and sovereignty of Belarus.

Among those under repression are social partners and associates of the University, cultural diplomacy organizations, human rights defenders, and independent journalists. We express solidarity with those, who are under attack and unjust persecution.

EHU will continue putting efforts at ending the harassment of peaceful citizens of Belarus. EHU calls on partners and the international community to continue supporting civil society and withstanding impunity in Belarus. The announced threats of the authorities on the extermination of the civil society of Belarus are absolutely intolerable and undermining international obligations and constitutional guarantees.

The Belarusian University-in-Exile insists on the immediate release of all political prisoners and unjustly persecuted, including our students Maryja (Marfa) Rabkova, Akihiro Gaevski-Hanada, alumni Sofia Sapega, Mikalai Dziadok, Uladzimir Malakhouski, former faculty member Tatiana Kouzina.

EHU will continue providing academic shelter to at-risk students, faculty members, and scholars from Belarus who are politically suppressed.
