Women in politics: new approaches to the political
The Center for Gender Studies publishes a feminist almanac called Women in Politics: New Approaches to the Political. It approaches contemporary political issues in Belarus and post-Soviet states from the perspective of feminist criticism. The almanac targets political and social activists and also speaks to a generation of emerging scholars interested in political, social, and cultural concerns related to women’s participation in political movements in Belarus and gender studies more broadly.
At present, Women in Politics is the only Belarusian periodical that openly discusses issues related to gender, power, politics, and culture. The publication, dedicated to the complex dynamics of politics and gender, seeks to fill this gap and to offer critical analyses of current events in Belarusian society and other post-Soviet countries. It focuses on the problems of women’s participation in political and public life of Belarus as well as the ongoing post-socialist transition in this country.
The working languages of the almanac are Russian and Belarusian; some articles are also available in English. The almanac was conceived by Olga Karatch, is coordinated by Evgenia Ivanova, and edited by Ivanova and Alexander Pershái. For more information, click here.