Nasta Lojka is an EHU alumna (Master’s Program in International and European Law, 2015).
Since 2008, Nasta Lojka has been involved in human rights activities, including participation in international observer missions, civil education initiatives, training facilitation, and 8 years of work at the public reception center “Viasna.” Lojka is a co-founder of the human rights organization Human Constanta and a member of the International Youth Human Rights Movement (YHRM). She is an expert in the field of human rights, freedom of assembly, civil oversight, volunteer management, as well as issues related to anti-discrimination and equality. While working in the field of human rights, Nasta assisted individuals who were repressed for their participation in the protests of 2020.
In 2018, she received the Rada Awards in the category of “Eternal Engine in the Youth Sector.” Nasta is also the Laureate of the Belarusian Human Rights Community Award in the category of “Human Rights Defender of the Year 2022.”
Since the autumn of 2022, Nasta has been in detention (having previously been subjected to multiple administrative arrests). In December 2022, she was recognized as a political prisoner.
On June 20, 2023, the Minsk City Court sentenced the human rights defender to 7 years of imprisonment in a case related to incitement of enmity (Part 3 of Article 130 of the Criminal Code of Belarus). The basis for initiating the criminal case was a report titled “Persecution of Anarchists, Antifascists, Leftists, and Public Activists in Belarus” (2017 – August 2018), which included critical assessments of the activities of law enforcement officers.