Attendees will have a unique opportunity to learn more how the concepts of embodied simulation, framing, and mimetic narrativity are applicable to movies and their analysis.
The program of the conference
June 8, Auditorium 110
10.10 Kurylova Irina Symbolism in Elios’s Identity in “Call me by your name”
10.40 Zabela Nasatsiya Metaphorisation of Identity in “Donnie Darko”
11.10 Kohanuk Dmitry Textual and Spatial Structures in “The Room”
June 10, Konrad Adenauer Room 106
10.10 Dzehtsiarova Alisa Temporal Structures and their projection in “Catch me if you can”
10.40 Stacheuvskaya Palina Colour, perspective and shape composition in the dimension of proportions in “Metal Gear Solid”
11.10 Vavokhina Alexandra The Evolution of Characters’ Identity in “Breakfast Club”
June 12, Auditorium 303
10.10 Rzhechytskaya Alexandra Mimetic Narrativity of Colours in “The Dead Poets’ Society”
10.40 Kurylova Hanna Personal and Group Identity in “What Happened to Monday”
11.10 Haurylenka Andrei The Analysis of Atmosphere via Colour and Soundtrack in “Blade Runner”
June 15, Auditorium 110
10.10 Zhdanovich Ulyana The Effect of Visual Representation and Contrast in “Psycho”
10.40 – Ermolovich Katsiaryna Mimetic Narrative of Conflict in “The Best Office”
11.10 – Arnes Martines Identity, typology and spatial cinematic structures in “1408”
June 17, Auditorium 110
10.10 Plaksa Katsiaryna Sound and Space as Narrative Triggers in “Columbus” (2017)
10.40 – Mihunova Dana Transformation of Nina’s Identity in her Relation with The Other in “Black Swan”
11.10 – Kahalionak Lizaveta The Concept of Space between Animals and People in “Pokemon Movie 1”