This event will provide information on the German research and funding landscape and how international researchers can become involved in research projects in Germany. It also will present special programmes to foster international cooperation between German researchers and researchers from abroad. Presentations will be given by two German institutions:
- The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) is Germany’s largest research funding organisation and central self-governing body of the research community in Germany. It supports research projects in all scientific disciplines at German higher education institutions and other German research institutions. The DFG supports international cooperation in all its funding programmes.
- The Centre for Eastern European and International Studies (ZOiS) is an independent, state-funded research institute in Berlin. It conducts social science research with and on Eastern Europe. The institute employs around 25 researchers from disciplines as diverse as political science, sociology, geography, anthropology, economics and theology. An essential task is also to communicate the research results to politics, the media and the broader public. The institute was founded in 2016 and is currently being expanded.
For further information and to receive the link for the online meeting please register here until February 13th 12 p.m.
Please note: The event will be held in a hybrid format in Vilnius and online and may not be recorded.