
EHU-KAS event “Belarus in/and Europe” – panel discussion and Christmas fair

Dear friends, partners and EHU supporters,

On behalf of the European Humanities University and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Belarus Office we cordially invite you to join us for a special occasion that can become a charming annual tradition. On December 19 at 17:00 our university will open its doors for the event titled “Belarus in/and Europe: What preposition is appropriate these days?”

At the premises of beautiful EHU, we want to discuss broadly the relationship between Belarus and Europe, starting from history, going through culture and heritage up to political and economic challenges to capture our position relative to the European coordinate system and see if there is any room for convergence. For this purpose, every year we plan to invite the most prominent representatives of Belarusian science, culture, foreign and local NGOs, donor communities working with Belarus, democratic forces, European institutions and students giving them a room for fruitful talks. Our inaugural panel discussion is joined by:

  • Radvilė Morkūnaitė-Mikulėnienė (tbc)
    Deputy Speaker of the Seimas Committee on European Affairs, Chair
  • Hanna Liubakova
    Belarusian journalist, Atlantic Council nonresident fellow
  • Jakob Wöllenstein
    Director, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Belarus Office
  • Anna Kozłowska-Słupek
    Counsellor of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland
  • Dainius Žalimas (tbc)
    Head of the Law and Democracy Center (Justice Hub) Ex-President, Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania
  • EHU Student (a person representing student community to be picked based on the best motivation letter)
  • Moderation: Prof. Liudmila Ulyashyna – Chairperson of the EHU Senate

Panel discussion is followed by the presentation of the music video “European Superstar Francisk Skaryna” by Jakob Wöllenstein and Lavon Volski.

After the official part of the event, we are pleased to invite you to join our Christmas fair. The idea of the fair is to bring our partners and EHU students together in an informal Christmas atmosphere for a fruitful exchange on their activities, projects, mutual needs, work/study/volunteering/mobility opportunities. As a part of the fair you will also see a buffet zone with hot wine, food and traditional Christmas snacks.

Please follow the link to register for the event.

Here you can see the schedule of the event.

We are looking forward to meeting you in our premises!
