Artists and scholars from all fields are invited to take part in the artistic research study circle, a migratory non-hierarchical group of international researchers. The 2019–2021 cycle is called Artistic Research | Performing Heterotopia and consists of six symposia taking place in a different Nordic or Baltic countries.
The circle aims to share ways artistic research can explore, play with, (mis)interpret, appropriate and perform heterotopias, which are spaces, temporalities and practices that disrupt the continuity and the norms of ordinary reality. Heterotopias are both conceptual and physical heterogeneous spaces with layers of incompatible meanings, inner conflicts and multiple values, giving rise to new possibilities for critique, creation and transformation. The concept of heterotopia is our point of departure for questioning how such spaces are activated in contemporary artistic research practices.
In previous incarnations, the circle has been concerned with embodied knowledge, collaborative methodologies and transformative societal strategies, and over the years we have developed a culture of collective experimentation. In an outcome driven era we appreciate generosity, playfulness and slow research. Our circle not only engages with heterotopias but is a heterotopic space.
The preliminary schedule is available online.
The project coordinators are Alia Zapparova and Elina Saloranta. Contact via email circle7 @