Civic Engagement

According to EHU mission and vision, the idea of civic engagement is central to the University’s way to educate citizens. In the regional context of the Eastern Europe, Belarus, with its disrupted focus on the role of civil society, it is extremely important that EHU provides a pool of knowledge and possibilities for students to implement horizontal changes in their area of interests and needs.

To achieve this civic engagement mission, EHU actively promotes the integration of community-based work and contemporary learning methods, supporting students’ public-focused research, studies and projects, oriented toward the Eastern European context.

We realize the Civic Engagement mission of EHU as a private institution serving the public interest.

At EHU we provide workshops and training on key civic engagement concepts and skills, sharing best practices and know-how in building temporally and long-term partnerships with civil society representatives, private businesses, and international actors interested in partnering for the public health.

Best student works of the Bard International Network course in Civic Engagement