Days against homophobia and transphobia at EHU
The Project “Days against homophobia and transphobia at EHU” (April 23-24, Vilnius) is an initiative aimed at scientific research and artistic and activist practices.
With the help of such interactive forms as round table, research seminars, photo exhibition, screening and discussion of the film, we touch upon the situations of homophobic and transphobic manifestations, which are appearing and are being formed on different social and institutional levels. The combination of artistic and classical academic practices allows to expose a number of sensitive issues as well as to display important topics in the right way.
The fight with anti-Semitism or racism has become clear and easy to reflect upon, but the situation of gender discrimination is not subjected to critical comprehension. The discourse of rejection and hatred, as well as a direct manifestation of violence against people based on their otherness—including their gender identity—do occur even in the academic community with democratic values, among people, who consider themselves to a critically reflective part of it.
Invited participants together with the guests will tell and discuss their experience of collision, overcoming and researching the problems connected with homophobia and transphobia.
The meetings and discussions will be taking place in post-soviet region and will involve the partners from Belarus (MAKEOUT) and Lithuania (Center for Equality Advancement). The event is institutionally supported by Center for Gender Studies (Lithuania).
The project was created in collaboration with EHU students Zhenia Khaliauka, Anastasiya Ranko, Tatiana Kliapitskaya and Anastasia Eremenko.
Special gratitude for photo exhibition planning goes to MAKEOUT.
Research supervisor of the project—Olga Sasunkevich.
The project coordinator—Anastasiya Ranko.