Invitation: Interdisciplinary conference on Hate speech. Definitions, Interpretations and Practices
Academic Department of Social and Political Sciences of the European Humanities University (EHU) kindly invites potential participants to the Interdisciplinary conference on Hate speech under the framework of C.O.N.T.A.C.T project. Conference will take place on June 9-11, 2017 at the University of Cyprus.
The aim of the conference “Interdisciplinary conference on Hate speech: Definitions, Interpretations and Practices” is to stimulate dialogue across disciplines and perspectives and to consider different methods and tools when approaching hate speech.
Conference is organized under the auspices of an European Union DG Justice-funded project “C.O.N.T.A.C.T.” on hate crime and hate speech and offers an opportunity to bring together researchers, teachers, trainers, NGOs and other relevant bodies interested in issues of definitions, interpretations and practices in relation to hate speech. Theoretical research, applied research, and experience from the field are targeted in this conference.
Keynote speakers include:
- Prof. Dimitris Christopoulos, President of the International Federation for Human Rights and Associate Professor at Panteion University of Athens,
- Prof. Paul Iganski, University of Lancaster,
- Izabela Kisić, Executive Director of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia, Associate in C.O.N.T.A.C.T. program
- Prof. Andreas Musolff, University of East Anglia
NB! Deadline for submission of abstracts is November 30.
We invite potential participants to send a 250-word abstract related to one of the three tracks. Contributions can be in the form of individual scientific papers, panels or workshops.
For panels and workshops, please give details of themes, convenors and participants. Note participants will also be required to submit individual abstracts.
An anonymised version of your abstract, with your name and affiliation in a separate file should be sent to conferencecontact2017 @
Academic publications based on conference themes are foreseen and negotiations with publishers are planned for the spring of 2017. Registration fee by bank transfer: €80 (to cover conference material, lunches, coffee breaks, welcome reception).
Three tracks have been defined, all focusing on the theme of the conference:
Track 1
Legislation, legal discourses and legal practices across Europe focused on hate speech
Track 2
Performance of hate speech online, e.g. on social media, comments to newspapers, etc. (including direct and indirect means, role of multimodality)
Track 3
Pedagogy and hate speech (practices and / or research focused on educating people about hate speech and strategies for tackling it)
In parallel, there will be a workshop for NGOs to discuss aims, objectives, methodology and activities that can be used with target groups such as young people, law enforcement agencies, competent authorities and media for purposes of raising awareness on hate speech, its meaning and consequences. A particular focus of the workshop will be placed on the use of non-formal education.
For further details click on the relevant link at: