The Women in Tech program is an infrastructural educational and research project aimed at supporting women in the IT field, stimulating research at the intersection of technology and feminism, and promoting gender equality in the field of high technologies. The project was launched by EHU Center for Gender Studies and is funded by the European Union.
Women in Tech Research Grant Program is aimed at students whose research interests lie at the intersection of science and technology studies, digital sphere and gender issues in Belarus and Eastern European contexts.
Eligibility criteria:
The program is intended for candidates who apply to the MA program in Gender Studies at EHU and whose research project correlates with thematic areas of the Women in Tech program.
Priority is given to projects that focus on one of the following topics:
- education and career opportunities in IT for women :
- gender aspects of labor market in IT industry, including precarious work;
- gender inequality in IT in Belarus, ex-Soviet countries and Eastern Europe: studies of exclusion mechanisms, ageism, work-family balance, “sticky floor” and “glass ceiling”;
- gender aspects of migration and digital nomadism in the IT sphere.
Application procedure:
The applicants should fill in the EHU- online application form and attach a motivation letter, that should include:
- the title of the research project and conceptual outline of the research project, that should demonstrate the relevance of the proposed research and its compliance with the thematic areas of the Women in Tech program;
- range of research and activist interests of the applicant, achievements and publications (if any);
- explanation how the realization of the research project and study in a MA program will help to contribute to gender equality,increase your impact on the development of local communities, public awareness of the gender discrimination and so on.
The length of motivation letter should not exceed 1200 words.
Languages (the applicant’s choice): English, Russian or Belarusian.
Deadline for submission of applications – July 10, 2022.
The applications will be evaluated by the selection committee of the given program on the basis of scientific quality of the project, its relevance and feasibility within the period of 12 – 16 months.
Number of grants under the Women in Tech Research Grants Competition – 1 grant.
The results will be communicated to applicants no later than 19th of July.