Students also elect the Students’ Union – an autonomous body of the student government, which represents the interests of EHU students both within the University and beyond.
Students’ Union as the representative body is elected every new academic year, and operates in accordance with its charter. It is composed of the president, vice-president and other members. In addition, the Student Union delegates five of its members to the Senate of EHU
The President of the Students’ Union is Tsimafei Malakhouski, 1st year student of the undergraduate program “World Politics and Economics”, and Vice President – Trapeznicova Evgenia, 1st year student of the undergraduate program “Media and Communication”.
Members of the Council of the EHU Students’ Union are:
- Hadzetskaya Kseniya (undergraduate program “Cultural Heritage and Tourism”, 4th year);
- Zychkova Marharyta (undergraduate program “Media and Communication”, 2nd year);
- Maximchuk Nikolay (undergraduate program “Media and Communication”, 2nd year);
- Ramanishkin Siarhei (undergraduate program “Cultural Heritage and Tourism “, 4th year);
- Shcherba Lizaveta (program “Media and Communication “, 1st year).
More information about the EHU Students’ Union is available on Facebook and VK pages, and also via email