
External institutional evaluation takes place at EHU

On October 17-19 an external institutional evaluation takes place at the European Humanities University (EHU) in Vilnius. Within three days a group of international experts will get acquainted with the results of the EHU self-evaluation report and will meet representatives of the academic community, students and alumni, social partners and leadership of the University.

In accordance with the Higher educational institutions activity evaluation method, Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education in Lithuania is authorized to conduct an external institutional evaluation of universities and universities of applied sciences, operating in Lithuania. Being a full-right member of the Lithuanian higher education system, EHU is not an exception.

In the first half of 2017, shortly before upcoming visit of external experts, an overwhelming self-analysis of the University’s operations was conducted, involving representatives of all interest groups of EHU. On the basis of the collected data the self-evaluation report was prepared. In July 2017 the report was submitted to the experts, and on October 11 it was publicly presented to the entire community of the University.  

The agenda of the experts visit is available online.
